Chapter 15

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Caleb is sitting in the place he calls home now. He is thinking about when he wants to kill Sara. He knows that the police are onto him and has to calculate every move. No-one knows where he is now, which could help him. There is no way for the police to know about this place. He wants to find out how much the police knows, but he has no means of communication. He threw his phone out of the car window when he drove here. He is starting to get agitated. He looks at his watch. It is 3 o'clock in the morning. He could kill her now. If he did it now, he would still have time to dispose of the body before it is light. He takes his car keys and goes outside. He leaves the house and gets into his car. When he sees how much fuel he has left he predicts another problem. He will run out of fuel soon, and there is no way he can get more. Everyone in the city will be looking for him. He can't risk being seen by anyone. He will have to walk to the shed, kill her, carry her to a remote area and leave the body there. He has to save his fuel in case the police find him. He needs a way to get away from them, and the only way to do that is by car. He gets out of the car and locks it. He heads back inside and puts the car keys back on the table. The shed is only an hour's walk away. If he leaves now, there will be enough time to kill Sara. He fills up a bottle of water in the kitchen and starts his walk towards the shed. He follows the path and turns left onto the path that leads to the shed.

Sara is alone in the shed. She's been expecting Caleb for hours now. He said he is coming back, but it has been too long. She can't really see anything in the darkness of the shed. The only light is moon shining through the tiny cracks in the wood. Her arms are stiff from the hours of being tied to the shelf. She tried to get loose earlier, but she couldn't. She looks around again in the hope of seeing something that might help her free herself. She sees the toolbox in the corner. She might not be able to open it, but if she rubs the rope on her wrists against one of the edges, she might be able to free herself. She lays down and stretches out her legs to reach it. Her feet can reach it. She places her feet on the sides of the box and pulls it closer. Her hands are tied between the first and second shelf and it is too high for her hands to reach the toolbox. She knows that she has to do something quickly. She uses her legs to flip the box onto one of the sides. The toolbox is now higher. She tries to get the rope against one of the edges and manages to do so. She rubs the rope against the edge. At first it feels like nothing is happening, but she keeps going. The fear is driving her to work harder and harder. She is tired, weak and hungry, but she refuses to stop trying. This can be the difference between living and dying. After half an hour the rope is almost broken through. She hears movement outside the shed and works as quickly as she can. The rope breaks and she is free. She quickly opens the toolbox and takes a spanner out of it. The footsteps are nearly at the door now. She gets to her feet as the footsteps stop in front of the door. She hears the key turning in the lock and stands next to the door. She is shaking with the spanner firmly in her hand. She will only have one chance to escape. When the door swings open, she slams the spanner in Caleb's direction. She hits him on the shoulder. He screams in pain and pushes her down to the ground. He slams the door shut behind him. He quickly turns on the light to see where she is. "You stupid bitch!" he yells as he sees her laying on the floor in front of him. Sara jumps to her feet with the spanner in her hand, ready to attack again, but Caleb grabs her wrist and tries to force the spanner out of her grip. She bites his hand, but he still won't let go of her wrist. He tears the spanner from her grip and throws her to the ground again. I should've killed you earlier," he says and pulls the knife out of his pocket. He takes the cover off and strikes the knife towards her. She rolls over and the knife cuts into her side. With the adrenaline pumping through her system she doesn't even feel the pain. She gets to her feet and knees him between the legs. He falls to the ground and she runs for the door. He grabs onto her ankle to pull her towards him. Sara sees that the knife fell to the ground after she kneed him. She bends down to pick it up, but he reaches for it at the same time. Both of them grab onto the knife and it becomes a battle for survival. If she gets the knife, she can save herself, but if he gets the knife he will kill her. She pulls with every last bit of energy that is left inside of her. He lets go of her ankle in order to have both hands free. She knows that this is her chance. She steps on his shoulder as hard as she can and his grip on the knife loosens. She pulls the knife from his hands and holds it in front of her. Caleb is scared now. He knows that she can end him now. "Please don't kill me. I promise I will let you go," Caleb says. Sara knows that she can't trust him. "How would I know that you are telling the truth?" she asks. "You can lock me in here. Then I won't be able to escape and kill you," Caleb suggests. "I don't trust you," she says. "Here is the key. It is in my pocket," Caleb says and reaches into his pocket. He holds the key out towards her. She takes one hand off of the knife to take the key. Caleb reaches out to take the knife from her hand. He knows that he has to kill her now. If she leaves, he will be caught. She sees his plan and jumps back. "I knew I couldn't trust you," Sara says. All the anger and frustration of the last couple of days builds up inside of her. She knows that she has to kill him, but she can't do it. She can't take someone's life. Caleb gets up from the ground and tackles her. He is laying on top of her with his hand on the knife. In one swift motion Sara shoves the knife into his abdomen. She pushes him off her and he rolls onto his back. Blood is streaming out of his body. She can't believe what she just did. Caleb is screaming from the pain as he grips his abdomen. "I can't believe you did that. I can't believe you stabbed me," he says. "You wanted to do that to me. You wanted to stab me too, like you did to all the other girls," Sara says with tears streaming down her cheeks. The wound on her side is starting to hurt and she looks down at it. There is a lot of blood coming out of it. She knows that there is no way for Caleb to run after her with his wound, and she opens the door. She walks out and she is surrounded by an unknown environment. "Come back here and help me!" Caleb yells. Sara ignores him and starts walking down the dirt path. She knows that it will lead her to safety. "Sara! Come back here!" Caleb yells with his voice echoing into the night. Sara is starting to feel weak from all the blood she is losing. She knows that she needs to find something to tie of the wound. She takes off her jacket and ties it around her waist. The wound hurts more now that her jacket is tightening the wound, but she knows that it is the only way to reduce the amount of blood coming out of her. She is disoriented and weak, but she keeps moving.

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