Chapter 24

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It is a week later, and Alice is waiting at international arrivals at the airport. Their plane landed twenty minutes ago, and she knows that they will be there soon. She is excited, but also nervous to meet them. Normally the parents are there when you meet someone's children for the first time. Carmen sent her a photo of the children, and she sent them a photo of her. She keeps scanning the people coming through the doors, until she sees them. She starts walking towards them. When they see her they wave at her. "Welcome to LA," she says as she reaches them. "Thank you," Jack says. He is pushing a trolley with their luggage. "It is nice to finally meet you guys. Your dad talks about you a lot," Alice says. "I hope he only said good things," Louise says with a smile. "Don't worry, he does," Alice says. They walk out of the arrivals area. "How was your flight?" Alice asks. "It was good, but very long. I've never flown international before," Louise says. "Me neither. I don't like flying, so I try to avoid it as much as possible," Alice says as she presses the button on the elevator. "Why don't you like flying?" Jack asks. "I have a fear of heights," she says. The elevator doors open and they get in. "Which floor?" Louise asks. "Ground level," Alice says. Louise presses the button. "Are we going to the hospital now?" Jack asks. "Yes. Visiting hours will start in a few minutes, so you guys will have a long time with him," Alice says. They reach the right floor and exit the elevator. "I am going to pay the parking ticket. You guys can just wait here," Alice says before walking towards the machine. "She seems very nice," jack says. "She does. Do you think there might be something going on between her and dad? It seems like they spend a lot of time together," Louise says. "I don't know. Just because they spend a lot of time together doesn't mean that they are dating. They work together," Jack says. Louise looks at Alice as she is waiting to pay the ticket. "I'm telling you something is going on between them," Louise says. "We will find out soon enough," Jack says. After Alice is done paying for the ticket, she takes them to her car. Louise sits in front with Alice, while Jack sits in the back. "How far is the hospital from here?" Louise asks. "It is a ten minute drive," Alice says as she pulls out of the parking spot. Her phone rings. She sees that it is Peter calling. She answers and puts the phone on speaker before she drives out of the parking lot. "Hi Peter," she says. "Hi. I'm just calling to say that my meetings for the day are done. When you are finished at the hospital, would you mind coming over? I have to talk to you," Peter asks. "I will be there in an hour," Alice says. "Thank you, I appreciate it," Peter says before he hangs up. "Was that my dad's partner?" Louise asks. "Yes it was. You'll meet him tomorrow when your dad is being discharged. He is going to take your dad home," Alice says. "Are you and my dad dating?" Louise asks. Alice is shocked when she hears the question. "No," Alice says. "We aren't dating, but we have feelings for each another. We are going to see where it takes us," she adds. There is silence after she says it. "If you guys aren't comfortable with it, just tell us. We don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable because of us," Alice says. "As long as dad is happy, I am happy," Jack says. "It's just strange to have our parents move on. We knew it was going to happen, but it is still strange," Louise says. "Is your mom in a relationship?" Alice asks. "She was, just after the divorce, but it didn't last. She is single at the moment," Louise says. Alice stops at a traffic light. "It is tough when your parents are dating again. My parents got divorced when I was ten. I will never forget the first boyfriend and girlfriend they had, but I got used to it after a while," she says as the traffic light turns green. "I can't believe I am going to live here now," Louise says. "I think you are going to love it here. My husband and I lived in Chicago before we moved here. I don't think I will ever be able to live there again. LA is just so much nicer," Alice says. "Are you and your husband divorced?" Louise asks. "No, he passed away a few years ago," Alice says. It isn't hard for her to talk about her husband's death anymore. At the beginning she couldn't even think about him without bursting into tears, but time healed her pain. "I am so sorry," Louise says with genuine sympathy. "Thank you. Your father is the first person I've had feelings for since my husband's death, so it is a big step for me," Alice says. "You will be a very lucky lady if you guys are together. He is the most caring and wonderful person in the world," Louise says. "I can see that, especially when I look at the way he handled the case. He cares about the victims more than anyone I've ever worked with," Alice says. "How is the girl my dad saved doing?" Jack asks. "She is doing okay. She is still traumatized after everything that happened," Alice says. "I can't even imagine what she went through. I even read about in one of the online newspapers in the UK. Is it true that she killed the guy who kidnapped her?" Louise asks. "Yes, it is. That is the part that haunts her the most. Taking someone's life is one of the hardest things a person can ever do," Alice explains.

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