Chapter 20

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As Hugh walks into his apartment, his phone starts ringing. He puts his bag down and takes his phone out of his pocket. It is Carmen calling. "Hi," he says as he answers the phone. "Hi. I think we should finish up with this custody problem," she says. "That's what I've been trying to do for days, but you refuse to listen to me," Hugh says. "Don't be like this now. I am trying to make peace," she says. Hugh can hear the sound of annoyance in her voice. "Sorry, it's been a long day," he says. "I heard that you found the serial killer," she says. "Yes, we did. Now we have to deal with his accomplice," Hugh says. "The reason I called was to tell you that Louise can come live with you," she says. Hugh can't believe his ears. He thought that it would be impossible to convince her. "Thank you," Hugh says with a voice ringing with shock. "There are conditions," she says. "What are these conditions?" he asks. He hopes that it is not something ridiculous. "She will finish her school year here, and spend the first month of her holiday with me, before I send her to you," she says. Hugh does the calculations. She will be able to come in 2 months. "That sounds fair to me," Hugh says. "That is not all. You can have both kids for the last part of the summer holiday, but the next holiday and Christmas is mine. You can have them for Christmas next year," she adds. "That is also fine," Hugh says. There is a long silence on the other end of the line. "It is very difficult for me to do this, and I am not doing this for you. I just want what is best for our daughter," she says. "You are doing the right thing," Hugh says. "Of course you would say that. You get what you wanted," she says. "You still have Jack with you. I miss him just as much as I miss her, but I won't be able to have him here. Both of us are going to miss a child, but it is better than us missing both our children," Hugh says. "Do you want to speak to her? I haven't given her the news yet. I think she would prefer to get it from you," she says. "If you don't mind," Hugh says. "I'll give her the phone now," she says. Hugh can hear her walking towards Louise. "Hi dad," she says. Hearing her voice lightens him up. "Hi sweetie. I miss you a lot," he says. "I miss you too," Louise says. "Your mum just told me that you will be moving to Los Angeles in 2 months," he says trying to contain his happiness. There are a few moments of silence before she can respond. "I can't believe that this is really going to happen. I am going to live with you in LA," she says. He can hear her excitement. "There is a lot of things that will have to happen before then. You need documentation, I need to find a school that is close to home, and then there is your room. I have to make it livable," he says. "I would sleep in the basement as long as I get to be there with you," she says. Hugh laughs. "I live in an apartment, there is no basement," he says. "That is not the point," she says laughing as well. "Can I talk to your brother?" Hugh asks. "I'll go get him," she says. Hugh waits for a little while until Louise speaks again. "Here he is. Bye dad," she says. "Bye honey, I love you," he says. She hands the phone to Jack. "Hello dad," he says. "Hello. How are you doing?" Hugh asks. It feels strange to have to ask that over the phone. He misses being part of their everyday lives. "I'm good, and you dad?" he asks. "I just solved a case, so it is going very well. I just miss you guys so much," Hugh says. "We miss you too dad, but at least we will see you in the holidays," Jack says. "That is the good part. I just wish the holidays weren't that far away," Hugh says. "I can't wait to see where you live now, where you work and what friends you have. I've always wanted to see America," Jack says. "It takes some getting used to, but it is actually quite nice here. The weather is definitely much better on my side," Hugh says. There is a short silence. "I heard mum say something about Louise coming to live with you when you spoke to her earlier. Is that true?" Jack asks. "Yes it is, son. She isn't happy in the UK. She wants to live here instead," Hugh explains. "Does that mean that I have to move too?" Jack asks. "No. I know you are happy there, and I would hate to take you away from there. I miss you, but I don't want to make you unhappy," Hugh says. "Thank you. I love you, but I am happier here," Jack says. "I understand that, and I love you too," Hugh says and looks at his watch. "I have to go now, but I promise I will call again during the weekend to really catch up," Hugh says. "That will be great, thank you dad," Jack says. "We'll talk then. Enjoy the rest of your day," he says. "You too dad. Goodbye," Jack says. "Goodbye," Hugh says and hangs up. He looks at the time. He looks at the time. He wanted to go to the hospital tonight, but it is past visitation hours. He makes himself something to eat and settles in for the night. His head is still buzzing from the day that he had, but he feels calmer than he felt in a while. He doesn't know whether it is from saving Sara, or from the news of Louise coming to live with him.

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