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Graze: Has anyone spoke or seen Swift?

Tracer: Sorry love. Hasn't seen her.

D.Va: Sorry, I was busy streaming.

Lucío: Haven't seen the commander, sorry.

Mercy: Haven't spoken to Swift. Maybe try the training area.

[After hours of finding Swift]

Graze: Great, no where in sight. If she actually abandoned her role, what was she thinking?

Graze, I'm back.

Graze:*Latches on to his partner*

The OW Beans:*Jumps on Swift*

Graze: What happened? Where have you been? Why do you smell like the ocean?

The OW Beans:*Peeping and chirping for missing Swift*

Relax everyone. I had important business in another fandom.

Graze: Okay.

And I might've became a wanted criminal during my time in the fandom.

Graze: What did you do?



*Did some shady business*

*Like strangled a Celestial Dragon, beaten many Marine soldiers and broke an Admiral's arm*


Graze: You killed a superior figure, beat the daylights out of the Marines and broke a Admiral's arm? I'm not surprised.

At least I didn't use technological weapons because it ruins the whole fandom.

Graze: As long as they can't find you.

Or recognize me because I laid way low. Heck, I even I have sneak in a dangerous crew to do so.

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