Excuse me Sam?!

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*Cassie's pov*

After me and sam went to get ice cream we went to a party. Just to dance and listen to music, but he ran off I don't where he went so went looking for him and I found him. But he was kissing another girl, that is his EX GIRLFRIEND!  I cried and ran out of the door, I couldn't take it I ran home and grabbed my container full of pills. (A/N: Yes I kno it's a little sad sorry) and popped 2 in my mouth and instantly fell in the bathtub. Mandi, Carter, Cam, Matthew, Jack, Jack came in and ran into my bathroom and they said at the same time "WTF CASSIE??!" I started to cry while I was taping my last words, Mandi ran up to me and asked "What did u take?" I handed her the bottle and she whispered something to the boys, and the boys lifted me up and took me in the car. I felt drowsy and very dizzy "Where are we going Matthew?" I asked he cried and said "Um the hospital". I wiped his tear and kissed his cheek, he smiled and put me on his lap. (mmmm very friendly (;;) I cried and everyone asked why I was crying "Sam cheated on me, that's why I took those pills". I said as I felt like I was gonna pass out, Matt told me something that would change my life with him forever "Cassie, please don't go I am gonna miss you, i've liked you for years. I just never said it cuz u were dating sam, but I think now is the time. Cassie Kaopua could you please be my girlfriend?  I will protect you, make u feel loved and treat you right". I smiled and tears ran down my face I said "Yes". I put my head in matt's chest. We came up to the hospital and they laid me on the bed and asked my friend's questions, then everything went BLACK! I told god no but he made me pass out.


*Sam's pov*

I saw my ex and I started talking to her, then she connected out lips and of course I kissed back! I had to but then I saw Cassie staring at me and she ran out. I unconnected our lips and ran out of the door, I was so depressed and drunk I don't kno where I am going so I went back into the house carried my ex upstairs and put her in her bed and started kissing her even more.


*Matt's pov*

I walked in cassie's bathroom to see her taping a video and pills everywhere I got scared so I got everyone and said "GUYS HURRY GET UP HERE!!!!!!!" They ran and asked "what's wrong?" I showed them and they gasped. I asked out Cassie on the way to the hospital and she said "Yes". I smiled and kissed her, we arrived and I put her on the hospital bed, But then she screamed and she passed out.



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