Dead Boys Don't Lie

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"Harry! A package came in for you!" My mom yells from downstairs. My eyebrows automatically pinch together at the mention of a package coming for me due to the fact that I never get those. The only times I do, is when I order something online, and I almost never do that.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I skip down the stairs to where my mom is standing in the kitchen.

"It doesn't say who it's from, it just says 'Harry Styles', so I think it was delivered directly to the front porch by the person who wants you to have it." My mom explains, shrugging at the weird occurrence. I frown, but nod and take the box off the counter. It's not very heavy, so I wonder what it could be.

I walk back up to my room, shutting the door before sitting down on my bed to examine the box in my hands. It's wrapped in some sort of brown paper with tape securing it. It takes me about five minutes of speculation and me being confused before I go to open the box.

I slowly peel the tape and paper off, revealing a green and black box. It almost looks like the kind of package you receive when you buy shoes. It's green with black leaves and a black lid. I lift up the top and am actually quite surprised by what it contains. Inside the box, I find a bunch of numbered cassettes. They're rather old by the looks of it. They each have a number from 1 to 13 plus a different pair of initials on each. I instantly search for mine, finding them on the very last tape.

I figure I got these for the purpose of listening to them, so I search my room for a walkman. I know for a fact that I have one, because I remember using it when I was younger. As I look around my room - that meaning my desk, under the bed and then getting tired of searching - I wonder what the tapes say. If there's music on them, or maybe some prank, I don't know. It's probably not that big of a deal, so I don't know why I'm suddenly getting so eager, and almost nervous to hear it.

Since I got tired of looking after about 2 minutes, finding it impossible to find them, I call my mom.


A couple seconds later she's standing in the doorframe. "Yes sweetie?"

"I can't find my Walkman. Do you know where it is?" I ask.

She takes just about one look around my room before pointing, to the exact desk I was searching before, to where the Walkman lies. My eyes widen. Why did I not see that before? And why does that always happen to me?

"Oh, thanks." I smile sheepishly. She rolls her eyes playfully before walking out of the room again.

I grab the walkman, take the first tape out of the box, and put it in. After having found my earbuds, I press play on the walkman, not at all prepared for what's to happen next.

"Hello boys and girls." A voice speaks and I immediately recognize it, making me quite actually fall down from my bed.

It can't be him.

He's dead.

But it is him. The voice is so clear to me, it could be no one else.

Louis Tomlinson.

Louis and I went to high school together. Well....until he committed suicide at least. I never really had much of a relationship with him, I really wanted to though. You see, all through high school, I pined after him on a daily basis, and at the end I actually think he knew. I crushed on him so much I, at last, came to turns with the fact that I was in love with him even though we had spoken like two times. So, after I heard he died, I was a heartbroken mess on the edge of becoming depressed actually. It effected me so much, I had to go to therapy for a couple of months.

So when I first heard his voice again, four months after he had killed himself, I was in complete and utter shock. I immediately pressed pause, so I could compose myself.

I take a deep breath and somewhat prepare myself for what's to come before starting the cassette over again.

"Hello boys and girls. Louis Tomlinson here. Live and in stereo. Can you believe it?"

"No." I mumble out in a whisper to myself.

"Well you might as well have to, because this is happening. You're probably wondering why you're hearing a dead boy talk to you right now, but I'm actually about to tell you. You see, my life had basically become a hell hole in the end, and if you're listening to this, you're one of the reasons why. And believe me when I say; dead boys don't lie, so don't try to deny any of this.

"No. I can't be." I tried to explain myself. I don't know what I would do if I was a reason Louis killed himself.

"The rules are thus; after you hear every tape you have to pass the tapes to the next person in the line. For the person the last tape is dedicated to there are some special rules I'll come back to later."

The last tape is dedicated to me...

"Let's get started shouldn't we? Reason number one. This is what started it all."

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