Chapter 1: Chicken In My Hair.

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Chapter 1

Nova’s POV

“Nova, would you hurry up and get our VIP table set up?!”

“Wash our best plates, Nova! Hurry up!”

I swear in order to work at Nando’s; you’re going to need either 3 arms or super lightning speed.

It was almost 8:30 PM, which meant Niall was going to be coming inside soon. Everyone was on edge, making sure his dinner was perfect. I didn’t know why everyone was making such a fuss over it. He was just a normal guy. I’m sure he wouldn’t want this special celebrity treatment.

All the employees were stressing over stupid things like, the type of napkins to use or the type of metal utensils to use. I thought everyone turned bonkers.

While everyone was running out and about, I took advantage of writing to Niall again.

Dear Niall,

Everyone’s really trying hard to make your dinner special. But, I honestly think you don’t need it. Because you’re just like any average lad out there. All you need is a table, a chair, and a food right in front of you. But, of course, since you’re famous worldwide, you obviously need rare flowers from China on your table. Anyways, I’m really excited to see you again after a year. Seeing you on my laptop or TV screen isn’t the same as seeing you in person. I really missed seeing you walk all around the town, all smiley and what not.

“Nova! Get in here! Niall Horan will be here any minute!” My scruffy boss yelled from the kitchen.

I sighed, dropping my pencil and paper in my secret drawer. I grabbed my apron, tying it behind my back while rushing into the crowded kitchen.

Once I entered the kitchen, I earned a couple glares from the owner’s daughter, Miranda Crawford.

She is your typical rich, snobby teenage brat. She thinks she’s better than everyone because her dad makes tons of money from his restaurant. Not only just because of that. Also because tons of celebrities come to his restaurant, which means she gets to meet them. In this case, she’s going to meet Niall while I’ll be serving him a huge plate of chicken and rice.

She crossed her arms while giving me a dirty look. I rolled my eyes, as I stayed in the corner. While Mr. Porter was talking and repeating over and over about Niall’s visit, I just zoned out. I knew what to do and what not to do already; I didn’t need to hear every 5 minutes. I sighed, resting my head on the wall next to me. In the middle of Mr. Porter’s lecture, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see my best friend, Tess Crawford. I smiled, glad that there was finally someone normal here.

Yes, Tess is sisters with Miranda. But, they are extremely different. Tess is just like me and nothing like her evil sister. Tess didn’t care about how much money her dad earned, unlike Miranda. She was so normal and one of the sweetest people you could ever meet.

Finally, the whole lecture was over and we were just waiting for our “celebrity” guest to come. I walked back over to the counter I was at, grabbing my papers and sorting them out. Tess followed behind me, grabbing one of them and smiling at the white piece of paper. I tried to grab it back, only for her to pull it back away from me. She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“Nova, when are you going to give Niall these letters?” She asked, in an annoyed way.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the paper back and putting it in my secret drawer. I sighed, leaning on the counter.

“Never. He doesn’t need to see these letters from me.” I replied.

She groaned, putting a hand on my shoulder. She shook my shoulder, hoping I would get some common sense knocked into me.

“You need to! Once he reads these letters, he’s going to fall in love with you just like you are with him. He is after all, your childhood crush.”

I shook my head, biting my lower lip. I don’t know if I was ready to tell him I love him. He probably doesn’t even remember me from elementary school or junior high. I twirled a piece of my hair, thinking about it.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I saw everyone rush to the front door. I looked up, but couldn’t see who it was.

“Niall’s here! Everyone get to your job! Now!” Mr. Porter yelled at us.

I went on my tippy toes, hoping to see a glimpse of the blonde boy. But, failed to see him. I only saw the top of his head, barely. Everyone was crowding him, taking pictures of him.

Mr. Porter grabbed my arm, rushing me into the kitchen.

“Go, get his huge chicken plate ready. It better be out there in front of him in 10 minutes.” My stressed out boss informed me.

I nodded quickly, getting started on fixing up his delicious dinner. With the help of the chefs, we got in finished in 7 minutes.

I held the plate carefully, walking backwards through the door.

My mistake there.

Because once I entered the dining area, someone bumped into me accidently falling on top of me with all the food all around us. Some of the lettuce got in my mouth and hair, causing me to spit it out. I blinked twice to see everyone surrounding us with wide eyes. I looked around, moving a piece of lettuce from my face. When I saw that blue eyed beauty in front of me, it felt like someone took all the oxygen from my body. I silently gasped, not believing that I would see him again this way.

“Nova, are you okay?!” Tess said, looking at me worried.

I nodded, still not removing my eyes from Niall. He looked down at me and grinned. I smiled, being mesmerized from his hypnotizing blue eyes.

He laughed, putting a hand on my hair. I held my breath, while he slowly caressed my hair.

I closed my eyes, scared that he’ll be grossed out by me. Instead, he laughed and giving me a sweet smile.

“You got chicken in your hair.” His thick Irish accent being very noticeable.

I embarrassingly giggled, attempting to hide my now red cheeks.

Hi Niall, it was great seeing you again. 


*hope you enjoyed the very 1st chapter of Dear Mr. Right. :) hope the wait was worth it! i will update it every other weekend since I have the Harry Styles fanfic still to finish. :) i love you all! please share, vote, like, comment! :D IT MEANS A TON. I LOVE ALL YOU READERS. <3 x

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