Tagged, oml

37 4 10

Alright, thanks EmmaAgresteCouffaine for tagging me!! *heavy sarcasm* alright, welp this is your only chance to get personal with me like this so here we go!
1. My sketch pad and pencil
2. I don't own much makeup but I would say Academy of Color
3. Ummm... snap dragons
4. I flipping hate shopping!!! Let's say Maceys for the heck of it.
5. I don't use perfume often and only vanilla.
6. Heels only because it makes me even taller then my parents
7. My lowest grade is a B
8. Purple, green, and blue
9. Eww, no
10. Of course. What kind of questions are these anyways?
11. Yep, I swam since I was four
12. No?
13. Lotion? Idk
14. Yes...
15. Depends on the situation
16. No, what in the world??
17. Extreme claustrophobia
18. No
19. Once
20. Coffee is disgusting in my opinion

Welp, that does it then. Here are the people I'm tagging, sorry not sorry.
That's everyone I'm going to torture today, bye!

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