chapter 1, BakuGONE

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I instantly apologize for the pun

Kirishima POV
       I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. BEEP BEEP BE- I smacked the clock of my bed side table and rubbed my eyes. The time read 6:30. I have to be at school by 8 (I don't actually know when the school starts or ends but I'm just making up times) i usually go for runs till about 7. So I got out of bed and got changed into my workout clothes and I went to brush my teeth. I looked up from the mirror, and smiled. I feel like today is going to be a pretty good day, I thought and I walked out of my dorm room. The idea of dorm rooms were pretty cool.Most the kids complained about having to walk or take the train to school anyways, so it was nice.

          I turned and locked the door when I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I swung around to be met with the beautiful ruby red eyes of none other then Bakugou Katsuki.
"Yoooo what's up!" I give Him a toothy grin, All he gave in response was a 'hmp'. Which I was used to every morning. We go on runs and work out together all the time so I was perfectly fine and used to this. He started to walk off, I jogged a bit to catch up and snaked my arm around his shoulder. He paused for a minute but he seemed to shake it off as we walked into the elevator. "So.." I started "How did you sleep?" He took a second almost like he needed to think about it. "I slept good.." he trailed off. I knew something was wrong. Other people probably wouldn't notice or even care but I knew something was up, he had terrible eye bags and he didn't look put together like usual. "Are ya sure? Your starting to look like  Aizawa!" I giggled at that for some reason. "Yeah, yeah whatever we're here so let's just get to running shitty hair." He mumbled and started jogging at a slight pace and I caught up and started running with him.

Time skip to back at kirishimas dorm

I was hot, I was sweaty but nothing was as hot as Bakugou. Sweat dripping off him and his tight workout outfit slightly sticked to his clothes showing all his beautiful features. I blushed. "Hey! What the fuck are you looking at?" Bakugou caught my attention yet again. I've always had feelings for him ever since we met but I know he wouldn't like me back. Tho almost everyone in class knew I was gay but I don't think he did. "What? Sorry uh nothin' just staring off in space ya know!" I tried to play it off cool. "Uh huh, I'll see you in class" he started to walk off to is dorm when I started moving. I reached out and grabbed his wrist. He looked back at me "what the hell are you doing?" He asked yelling "I just uh.." I panicked! I don't know why I did that. Quick think! "Um I wanted to say good run out there! We did real good!" I shyly smiled as I felt my face turn red. He looked at me for a second then his expression softened. "Heh yeah I guess we did pretty good" he smirked. "Wow.." I said allowed. "What?" I decided to be honest with him. " it's just I've never seen this side of's nice" I felt my face instantly i start to heat up, I was blushing more if that was even possible and Bakugou could tell. I let go of Him and walked away and said a quick 'goodbye' before walking into my dorm. I bet I was madly blushing. i leaned my back up against the door and slid down. Muttering the words " damm it" over and over. I took a bit to calm down but then went back to my regular after workout routine.

Time skip to school

I started walking to class, as I reached the door a took a deep breath remembering what happened earlier that day with Bakugou. I hoped it wouldn't be awkward. I slid open the door and saw Mina, Denki and Sero surrounding Bakugous desk. I curiously walked over and saw that Bakugou was arms crossed and is face in is crossed arms on the desk facing the window and he looked asleep. They had their phones out and were taking pictures. Why would that do that? I quick slid between them and blocked the view. "Hey! Was what that for, this is the first time that he's actually peaceful! It's perfect black mail!!" Denki wined " I don't think he would like if you were taking pictures of him as he sleeps that's taking pictures without consent so delete them!" I told back. I got a lot of ' no fun' and 'aw fine' I pulled Mina to the side and whispered in her ear

    "could you send me one?" I blushed. "I thought you said that it was taking pictures without consent?" She whispered back in a mocking tone. "Yeah but I like him! So it's please?" She nodded her head and walked away. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I knew she sent it. The three of them walked away and I just turned around and looked at him. We stayed like that for a bit, till more people started to show up. Then I decided to go talk to my group. A few minutes passed and Mr Aizawa walked in, wearing his signature yellow sleeping bag. He then took roll and started class.

Woooooooo first chapter I hope it was good. And that the story it's pretty good

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