Chapter 7

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Most of this is gonna be kirishimas POV just you let you guys know.

I woke up to sun light shining on my face from the window. I looked up to see Bakugou. His face looked calm. I'm glad he's feeling even just a little bit better. I grab my phone from
The bedside table trying to be as quiet as possible trying not to wake up Bakugou. I have two messages. In the squad group chat

Alien queen👽👑: mornin' hows it going with you and bakuhoe?

Alien queen👽👑: wake me up inside

Shark🦈: okay I'm up now what do you want? And BAKUGOU and I are doing fine.

Pikachu⚡️: lmao

Tape👌🏼: lol when should we meet up?

Shark 🦈: it's 9:34 right now so I guess around 12?

Alien queen👽👑: sounds good! But make sure your all dazzled up kirishima;))))))

Pikachu⚡️: oooo yeah!

Tape👌🏼: get it kirishima!!!

Shark 🦈: OMG shut up!!

I put my phone back to the side and decided to get a bit more sleep. I listened to Bakugous light snores and they way his chest rises and slowly falls as he's asleep. He's really cute when he's sleeping. And he looks so peaceful..this side of him is nice. I thought to myself, as I fell asleep again in his arms.

Two hours later of more sleep

I woke up maybe two hours later. The warmth of Bakugou wasn't there, I opened my eyes. It was bright outside. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time 11:13 "ughhh I have to get ready.." I grumbled to myself. "Ready for what?" I heard a voice from the bathroom. It was Bakugou. "Oh! Uh well I told the group that we'd leave at twelve!" I said walking over to him giving him a smile. "Seriously? You just got up and your getting ready to leave in about half an hour. You haven't even done your hair, brushed your teeth or even changed your clothes-"
"Okay I get it! I just woke up but come on! I'll get it done. I probably won't do my hair but oh well." I looked up at him he seemed you have a small smile on. "Hey is that a smile I see??" I questioned. "What? Hah no..just shut it!" he said walking out of the bathroom and to is dresser. He pulled out a two black tank tops an and two flannels. One a orange ish yellow and a red one. He then pulled out two pairs of black pants. I didn't know why he pulled out two of those but okay..

"Here" he yelled to me tossing me the tank top, red flannel and pants. "What?" I asked "are you letting me were this?"
"No dip Sherlock! That's why I gave you those clothes." He said already getting dressed. In front of me..he took off his shirt and threw the flannel over. Then took off his pants..he had a nice butt I have to admit. "Damn.." I mutter "Hey pervert get dressed" he yelled at me. "WHAT? No..I'm not a pervert!" I yell back "maybe you should say that when you stop looking." He smirked at me. I didn't even argue. I just got dressed along with him.

11:47 wow I actually got done before then I expected. I was wearing the clothes Bakugou let me borrow along with my pair of red checkered vans not my crocs..Bakugou wouldn't let me..but oh okay. Bakugou was wearing a similar outfit but with the orange ish yellow flannel and a pair black checkered vans. We decided to meet up at the front entrance of the dorm area. So me and Bakugou walked out of the room and out to the entrance. We waited there for at least ten minutes till the three finally showed up.

"Hey guys!" I yell giving my signature smile. "Hey- wait are you and Bakugou matching?" Denki asks. I feel my face heat up. "Yeah so what?" Bakugo pretty much growled back. Mina freaked out, not even making words. Sero and Denki were laughing. I giggled a bit too. After we were done laughing and all that we decided to just walk around town. Me and Bakugou walked side by side along with the other three. We walked around for a good about twenty ish minutes when we finally decided on lunch.

Time skip to later in the day

After a day of games,shopping and fun we all made it back to the dorms. We said our good byes and went our own separate ways. Me and Bakugou ended up walking back to his room. I was gonna do it. I'm gonna ask out Bakugou "So..I know it's been a long day out..but I wanted to ask you something.." I asked nervously. I was sweating like crazy but tried to keep my cool. "Hmm?" Was what he responded with. "Okay so..don't think this is weird or anything but.." I paused for a second to look up at him. Since he was a little bit taller then me. I looked as straight as I can into his eyes. And asked

"Will you go out with me tonight, like a date?"

Leaving you on a cliffhanger for now;)

Kiribaku •you're the light in my dark•Where stories live. Discover now