Chapter 11

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Lol I haven't posted in a while sorry.

Kirishimas POV

I awoke to the sound of a alarm clock going off. I reached over the bed and turned it off. It was time for school, so I untangled myself from Katsuki and got up. Stretching I yawned and walked to the bathroom. I still had about a hour to get ready so I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower.

I got out of the shower with a towel around my neck and wearing a black shirt and pants. I saw Katsuki was awake. I walked over and kissed his nose. "Good morning, How'd you sleep?" I asked "Uh morning' I slept alright.." he grumbled. Normally he's not this tired but I guess since things have been going oh well. "That's good. Well you should get ready for school you have thirty minutes" I walked away to get changed.

I buttoned up my white shirt and threw on my pants. I put my coat thing on and then my red tie. I walked out of the bathroom to see Katsuki was already dressed and at the door. "Heh took you long enough" he smirked grabbing my hand and leading me out the door. "Yeah, yeah I just had to make sure I looked perfect" I said back with a little bit of attitude. He just huffed it off like usual.

"Yo! What's you love birds!" Denki yelled with his arm slung around Sero. "I could say the same for you pikachu" Katsuki said back. I just laughed while Sero blushed and denki and Katsuki started a small argument.

We eventually made it to school and met up with Mina. "Sooooo how are you two?" She winked at me. "Wha?" I questioned feeling my have heat up. "You know" she nudged my arm. "spillll sisssssss"
"Uh well ya know..just cuddles and all that.."
"Are you guys dating yet!?" I heard denki tell.
We both got flustered "y-yeah.." I finally muttered back. And they flipped out! Denki screamed and Sero handed Mina money.

I smiled it off and walked to class with Katsuki holding my hand. I looked over and saw Midoriya and Todoroki talking. They've been dating for a few months now and everyone is supportive of them being gay. And everyone already knows I'm gay..but what about Bakugou? Maybe Midoriya they've been friends since they were young. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud 'awww' from a girl. I looked over to see who it was. It was pretty much all the girls and Midoriya with the exception of Mina, denki and Sero who had just walked in behind me and Katsuki. "AWW are you guys dating!" Uraraka squealed. "Well it's pretty obvious that they have at least liked each other for a while, kero" Tsuyu stated. I blushed and nuzzled my head in Katsukis arm in embarrassment. I heard him chuckle and squeeze my hand. "Yeah got a problem with it round face?" He asked but not in his usual yelling voice. Everyone 'wooooo'ed or said 'congratulations' or fangirled.

I looked at him and smiled. He gave a small smile back then looked too the side. His smile made my heart flutter. We walked over to our seats and a few minutes later Aizawa walked into class with President Mic slyly walking behind him.
"Come on Shota~ pleaseeeee??" Mic questioned. "No, now get out I'm trying to teach my class." He mumbled back. "Uhh what's going on?" Denki questioned. "HEY great question!" Mic started. "Well, um trying to get Eraser to got out with me but he won't budge! What do you say class!?" Everyone screamed 'yes' and shared a good laugh. Aizawa blushed and bit and gave President Mic and death stare. "...fine." He FINALLY mumbled back. Most people screamed and gave each other high fives. "Aww COME ON!" Sero yelled handing Mina money, again. Mic when to yell but Aizawa took his quirk.

A few minutes later Aizawa kicked Mic out of the class room. "We don't speak of this, got it?" He turned to all of us. 'Yes sir!' Was all we said and then got to work with school stuff.

I thought I'd just add some ships in there I hope you guys don't mind ^-^

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