Chapter 8

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Lol sorry about the cliffhanger. I just thought I'd get a new chapter out there. Enjoy this one I think there'll be smut in the next chapter??

Bakugous POV omg finally

"Will you go out with me tonight, like a date?"

Wait..WHAT!? He just asked me out! Does he like me back? Is this a joke or something!? I felt my face Instantly heat up. I was blushing, my face was probably more red then this dumbasses hair! "I-I what..?" Was all I could say. " um never mind.." he looked..sad..wait I fucked up dammit! Uh shit, shit, shit. What do i do! Kirishima starts to walk away. Oh dammit think!

I couldn't think, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry, I just..was surprised of what you said or some shit. I guess what I'm trying to say is, yes I'll go on a date with you shitty hair." I mumbled into his neck and I pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around my back and started to..cry? Goddd what did I do! "Hey what's wrong-"
"I'm just happy you said yes that's all!" He said pulling away from me and looked up at me. I wiped the tears from his face. I never really realized how beautiful his eyes were until now. They kinda remind me of a fire, beautiful and warm yet hot and mysterious at that same time. Before things could go too far I pulled away and asked "so were are we going."
"Oh! Well it's a surprise!" He smiles. "You should know I don't like surprises.." I really don't but I trust him. "Yeah but it'll be fun!" He bounces up and down like a kid it's kinda cute.
"Ughhhh fine" I grumble. He smiles and takes my hand.

We walk out of the dorms and we start walking to this forest area. "Okay close your eyes" he smiles. I go to close me eyes but this forest reminds me of too much. He grasps my hand tightening his grip. "Hey I'm right here okay?" I nod my head. As we walked I ended up wrapping my arms around his arm. Pulling him closer to me. It was dark and scary to admit. We walked for a while longer. "Okay, open your eyes" I open them and I see a really beautiful sunset in front of me. I wouldn't say it's beautiful allowed tho. "Do you like it? The three helped me out a bit. Denki takes Sero here sometimes as 'hangouts' but that's probably not true, if you know what I mean"

"Yeah it's nice. I'm surprised those idiots could come up with something like this." I wasn't wrong they are idiots but have a little bit of brain. We sat down and talked for a while and it got darker. I started to feel a bit uncomfortable..the dark has always kinda scared me even as a kid and it's never gone away. I scooted closer to kirishima. "Hey are you okay?" He asked. I just nodded trying not to focus on the dark. I heard a sigh and felt movement.

This is were it gets a little..interesting but it's not a lot of smut just kissing, words etc;)

Kirishima moved in front of me and sat down on my lap. I started to blush at this but I tried to hold it back as best as possible. He wrapped his arms around my neck. "don't lie to me Katsuki" he said in a sexy voice. I felt a little turned on by this. But I kept calm. "Fine, I'm just scared of the dark okay?" I said putting my hands on his hips. "Hmm" he hummed as he tilted his head, still looking at me like a confused dog. I wanted to kiss him so bad..fuck it. I grabbed the collar of his flannel and pulled him in. Our faces were centimeters apart, I could feel his breath on my lips. I looked at his eyes for reassurance. His eyes were full of lust. He slowly closed his eyes and I did the same, pulling him in for our first kiss.

His lips were soft and warm. But I wanted more. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. When he didn't let me i bit his bottom lip were I licked it and lightly moved my hands to his butt. He open his mouth and I slid my tongue in. Exploring every single inch of his mouth until there was no were else. I pulled apart leaving a trail of saliva connecting from both of lips. I instantly went towards his neck. Unbuttoning the first few buttons on his flannel and started to search for his sweet spot. Before I could do anything more Kirishima pulled me away. " h-hey can we go to the dorms.." he asked red faced. I gave him a smirk "what if I want you here and now?"
"Well what if someone sees?"
"What if I'm into that?" After i said that he covered his face in embarrassment. I chuckled. "Yeah okay you big baby." He got off me and helped me up and we walked back to the dorms. We walked through the doors and immediately went to my room.

I was gonna wreck poor Kiri tonight

Welp smut in the next chapter if you don't like smut then..that'll probably be in the 10th chapter because I'll just make a whole chapter full of that in the 9th one so yeahhh

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