Chapter 9 (smut)

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If you don't like smut don't read this chapter just a warning!

Kirishimas POV

Was this really gonna happen? Is this a dream?  Bakugou just kissed me..Bakugou pulled me into his room. He closed and locked his door. And immediately pushed me into the bed. He crawled on top of me and leaned down to my neck. He started leaving a trail of kisses around my neck trying to find my sweet spot. He finally found it after a few tries. He sucked lightly and it made me moan "ahh~ Bakugou.." I moaned his name. He bit down on that spot and sucked probably leaving a dark hickey. This made me moan even louder. "You know, my name sounds good in your mouth~" he purred against my neck. "Ah~" was all I could say. As he slid his hand up my shirt and against my nipples. He undid the flannel and took off the tank top. Leaving me shirtless. He then took off his tank top (he took the flannel off before this) now were both shirtless. He looked back at me. He gave me a smug smirk. "I'm gonna make you scream so loud everyone will know your mine." He went down to my face. Were looking at each other directly in the eyes, foreheads pressing against each other. "Just p-please be gentle with me..this is my first time.." I said shyly. "Don't worry kiri I'll take good care of you"

He leaned in and kissed me passionately. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly let him in. He advantage and touched every place he could. Occasionally slightly sucking in my tongue. Which made me moan into the heated make out. He snaked his hand to my pants and started palming me through my boxers, it made me moan even louder. He pulled apart leaving a string of saliva connecting our tongues. He slowly and teasingly pulled down my pants and boxers. My member was revealed to him. He sexually licked his lips and licked the tip of my member sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine. "Uh~ don't tease me Bakugou.." I moaned. "Hm? What was that?" He knew what I said ugh that jerk. " please  Katsuki" He looked up at me and smirked before taking me all the way into his mouth. I was actually pretty long, I was surprised that he was actually able to take all of my member in his mouth. He slightly hummed adding something I haven't felt before, but it felt good. He bobbed his head up and down fast, and slow swirling his tongue around my tip. I was a moaning mess. I ran my hands through his hair  making him go deeper. I was almost at my limit when he pulled out. He took off his pants exposing his member to me. My jaw practically dropped; he was bigger then I thought. He was long and thick.

"Suck" he stuck three finger in my face. I was confused. This was my first time don't blame me! "It'll help so your not in pain by my big cock okay? He sighed. I nodded and started sucking on his fingers, as he left small hickeys on my neck. He pulled them out of my mouth and positioned them at my hole. He looked at me making sure I was ready. I nodded and he slowly pushed them in. I felt a jolt of pain and pleasure. I moaned as he pushed deeper into me. "Uh~ Katsuki" I moaned as he quickened his pace. "Yes kiri" He practically purred. "Go faster..please"
"I don't want to hurt you.."
"I'll be fine, I like the pain anyways" I winked at him. He smirked and pulled out, adding all three fingers and shoved them into me. I moaned, loudly. He started scissoring me, strenching out my tight hole. this went on for a few minutes. I was gonna cum any second. But then he pulled out. This made me whimper from the lost of his touch.

Bakugous POV

He made me so hard. His Moans drove me crazy. His face when I started to finger him almost made me go over the edge. I've made him almost cum so many times. Your could see the pre cum dripping of his tip. I pulled my fingers out and I heard a slight whimper. "Hmm?" I questioned looking at him seductively. His face grew more red, " please.."
"Sorry what?" He bit his bottom lip and leaned forward, grabbed my dick. " Katsuki, I want you to fuck me so hard I don't walk tomorrow. So hard I'm screaming your name, and everyone knows I'm yours. And yours only" this sent me over the edge I slammed him back down into the bed and flipped him over. I didn't hesitate I grabbed his hips and slammed into him, causing him to Moan loudly. As I roughly fucked him I searched for his prostate/sweet spot (call it whatever you want idc) "AHH DADDY~!" His Moans we're music to my ears. Especially when he called me daddy. "What was that kitten? Did I find your sweet spot~" I leaned over his back. "AH YES- AHH FUCK DADDY!" He gripped the bed sheets. I flipped him over so he's on his back, facing me. I wanted to see his face as I shamelessly fucked him as he's a moaning mess. He looked at me and pulled me into a kiss. It was soft, passionate and yet full of lust. The kiss soon ended when he literally could not stop moaning. He wrapped his arms around my back and started to claw. It felt amazing, pain yet, pleasure at the same time. "Ah daddy- ah I'm c- close" he Moaned in my ear. "Ugh I'm close too kitten." I grunted as I felt the feeling bubble up in my stomach. I was gonna cum. He moaned a high pitched moan as he came on our stomachs. I bit down on his shoulder as I came into him.

We both slowly came down from our highs as I pulled out of him. He moaned softly at the loss of contact. I flopped down on the side of him. "Hmm that was.."
"Amazing?" He finished my sentence and I hummed in response. "So..what does this make us..? Is this just a one night stand thing or-"
"Pfft" I started to laugh a bit. "Your my boyfriend now obviously. I'm not just gonna kiss you in the forest after sleeping with your for a few days, fuck you so loud everyone in this building and more could hear then leave you. That's some asshole move" I looked over at him. "He smiled. "I think we should take a shower.." he said as he tried to get up. But fell to the floor with a 'thud'. He looked up at me with a pouting face. "What? You told me to technically, fuck your shamelessly? So that you can't walk" I chuckled as I got up and picked him up too. Carrying him bridal style to the bathroom. I started the tub and once it was warm enough I placed him in along with myself.

We both out out of the shower and started to put on our clothes. I put kiris on for him because well he can't really move the waist down that much. I then picked him up again and placed him on the bed. I laid next to him and pulled him closer by the waist. "Hm can I call you Katsuki? And you call me Eijiro!"
"That's stupid.." I muttered back. "Aww come on please?" He begged "fine, fine whatever.." he's too cute not to give in. "Yay!" He snuggled more into my chest. "Night Eijiro"
"Goodnight Katsuki!" We both slowly feel asleep. With him in my arms

This took a while to write but I did it! I hope you guys enjoyed

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