Chapter 5

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Kirishimas POV

I walked to the cafeteria and saw my friend group. The waved at me but..I wasn't focused on them. I wanted to see Bakugou..and be with him and hold him an- wait ughhhh screw feelings! I put that thought to the side and walked over to my group.

"Hey kirishima! Are you looking for your boyfriend~?" Mina sang as I sat down. "He's not my boyfriend! But yeah I was looking for Bakugou but I need your guys's help.." I said half embarrassed and half nervous. They could already tell And knew I was gay for Bakugous sweet ass but they're the jokesters of class 1-A so they'd definitely joke with me or something..
"Oooo~" Sero chimed in " your trying to ask Him out. Aren't you?" "W-what I mean..ugh fine yeah.." I was a total blushing mess. "Awww your big gay crush!" Mina practically squealed bumping shoulders with Denki. "SHHH!" I hushed. "People are listening. Shut. Up!" "Heh yeah okay dude, so what do you need help with" Denki asked. "Well I-" before I could barely even start Mina told me a plan that would 'oh so most definitely work for him' I was nervous but I decided ya only live once!

"Okay that might work but-" I started but then I felt someone sit next to me "Hey shit heads." Bakugou sat next to me. "Ohhhh heyyyyyy" Denki said smirking at me. I was blushing at that moment I realized how close Bakugou had gotten to me. " what the hell is up with you two?" "What!? U-uh rr..nothing!" I said with a nervous smile. He just scoffed and turned the other way. "So Baku-boi.." Mina started "don't call me that." "Yeah okay so since tomorrow is Saturday do you wanna hangout with the squad?" Mina questioned "Really? Why in fucking hell, would I go out with you idiots?" He said back. "Your boo boo will be there~" Sero sang pointing at me. I pretty much slammed my head on the table in embarrassment.

I heard giggles and laughter. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DAM IDIOTS!" Bakugou yelled. "H-hey calm down!" I said between laughs. He looked at me, then at them, then back to me. He did his casual scoff and sat down. "WOAH! I just witnessed that! Kirishimas got Bakugou to sit down!" Denki yells. "Awww!! I ship it!" Mina squealed. Sero was still laughing his ass off. I put my hand over Bakugous under the table. I thought it would calm him down. I was blushing then I looked down at our hands, then up to his face. His face was red too. Probably just from embarrassment..I smiled at him. Then we heard the bell ring. We got up, threw our Trash away and headed to class.
Me and Baku were- wait..Baku I called him that earlier..ughh..BAKUGOU


Me and Bakugou were walking side by side till I heard running and the three 'idiots' where running towards us. Sliding by other kids in the halls. I was ready for impact but nothing came but a light bump on my back. I turned to my side to see Bakugou, he wasn't there. I turn my head to see Bakugou was behind me! Shielding me from them. He's So manly...

"Awww protecting your boyfrwend." Mina babied him. He rolled his eyes and just kept walking. "So is that a yes? Are you protecting boyfriend??" 'Hmp' was all that came. The three ran to class. As me a Bakugou walked. He snaked his hands around my waist and laid his head on my back.

"B-Bakugou?" I asked "hmm?" He questioned. "I never mind" I said walking into class. He let go and went back to his seat. I missed the contact from him but oh well. I walked over to him as the others joined. "So are you going with?" Sero asked with a smug look on his face. " sure whatever" he mumbled back. We were all shocked that he actually said yes or anything at all. They said their 'Awww's' and went to hug him. But he put his hand out like he was gonna explode then and said "don't push it" they all slowly walked back. I took this chance to hug him only the two of us. He actually didn't say anything. Just sat there.

Then suddenly you hear a "OKAY FUCK YOU KIRISHIMA. We. get. it. ur. gayyyyy!" Mina said clapping between the words 'we get it ur gayyyy' I smiled at them and I  heard a chuckle from Bakugou and I Baku-let-go.

      "How do you deal with those idiots?" Bakugou asked with a..disturbed look on his face. "Eh I'm kinda like them so when you hang with idiots you become one" I answered. "Your not a idiot shitty hair." I was about you say something back but then Aizawa walked in and started class.

Time skip to after school

Still kirishimas POV

Finally class was over! I walked over to Bakugou to talk to him. "Hey, so about last night.." I start "don't even apologize for anything...could you by any chance sleep over again.." he ask. I was a bit surprised but I said "yeah I told you I'd stay until your okay" I gave I'm a smile. He grinned and walked away. I Went to follow after when I felt a slight tug on my arm.

     "Hey Midoriya! What's up?" I ask with a cheer full smile. "Hi I just wanted to ask you something" he said scratching the back of his neck nervously. "What is it?" "Well you and kancchan seem really close..are you two.." "dating?" I asked finishing his sentence. He nodded I sighed. " I wish..but he just wouldn't like me back! He's such a tough guy.." I mumble. "Well I think he likes you back." I heard a monotone voice from my side. It was Todoroki. Since he's taller then Midoriya he put his arms around him and gently put his head on Midoriyas. He didn't even seem fazed by that action. "W-what? He wouldn't..would he?" I questioned " your almost as dense as todo! And your pretty offence.." Midoriya blushed.

They were so cute together. Todoroki didn't respond just a 'hmm' noise came from him. "Just don't be afraid to tell kancchan how you feel! He's pretty nice when you get to know him..I think.." " yeah okay! Thanks you two!" I said skipping my way out of the class room. And went to the dorms.

       I got to my room and opened the door. I slowly put my stuff down and laid on my bed. I then feel asleep

That's a boring end but the 'juicy kiribaku stuff' will probably be in the next chapter so..yeahhhh

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