Chapter 2

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Bakugous POV

Stupid shitty hair..he's so cute..and dumb..BUT GOD DAMMIT! He didn't have to do that, I could do it on my own..I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang.

        It's time for lunch I sat there for a bit then got up I started to walk out when I heard my name "HEY BAKUGOUUUUU!" I turn to see kirishima and his stupid group. "Wanna eat lunch with us?" Denki chimed in. "And why should I join a bunch of idiots like you pikachu?" I asked trying to sound like myself "were just trying to be nice! And kirishima will be there." Mina said giving me a dumb look. "Ugh yeah fine whatever..." I said that so I could turn away so they couldn't see my blush. " Yayyyy!!! We got blasty to sit with us!!" The three idiots yell as they run to the cafeteria. But for some reason kirishima stayed. We walked in comfortable silence to the table. We sat down and he decided to sit next to me. I was fine with this. Then pikachu, alien and tape despiser came back and sat down. They all started talking about random stuff then one of them brought up the villain kidnapping. It sent a shiver of fear down my spine just remembering that. I hated it. It made me feel weak.

       I got up without a word and headed towards the bathroom. I heard my name but didn't turn back. I felt my heads start to spark for no reason. I made it to the bathroom and someone walked in behind me. It was shitty hair. I felt like I needed to cry. I wanted to hug someone so I grabbed the idiot by is collar and shoved him into a stall. I closed the door, locked it and hugged him

He was warm then I feel his hands  hastily wrap around my waist as he hugs me back. "Are you alright Bakugou?" He asked me. I just shook my head. "Wanna talk about it?" "Later just..not right now.." I responded back. He nodded his head. We stood there for a while longer after I finally let go. "W-what was that for?" He asked "my dorm, 7:30 if your late then don't even bother. Got it?" I said firmly. He simply nodded his head. And I walked out. And straight to class. I knew It was gonna start soon. I got to class and sat down in my seat. Stupid Deku was looking at me I could tell. But I knew If I were to yell at him even more stupid half n' half would freeze me or something so I didn't even bother.

Shitty hair eventually made it to class with his group behind him. Mina walked up to me and asked in a whisper" so you like him huh? What happened in the bathroom?" I was shocked. How did she know? How did she know about the bathroom? Did kirishima tell her? "So what if I do..?" I scoffed. " well it's kinda obvious he's the only person who you'll actually hangout with or even talk to!" She wasn't wrong. I felt my face heat up a little bit and she continued "maybe..I could help you two?" She asked with a smug face, I did need help sad to admit but I do.
" okay fine whatever.." I instantly regret it
"Yes! Okay so what do you want to know? What do you need help with?" she asked in a very happy tone. I explained things she gave me information. Then class started.

Time skip to after school

Class ended and I walked to my dorm. I got into my room and laid on my bed. I started to fall asleep.

I woke up in panic. Slight tears running down my face. And sweating like crazy. I had another nightmare. I wish these stupid things would stop but no. I decided to do some homework because I had extra time till kirishima should show up. The time passed and he had one minute to get here. 1...2...3...knock knock! 7:29.....7:30 he just barely made it. I open the door and there he is. In all his pride and glory.

"Hah! Just in time am I right?" He gave me his toothy grin and I scoffed and let him in. He's been in my room before when I tutor him or were just hanging out.

" to me, what's wrong Bakugou?" He asks sitting on my bed. I sit next to him and I start to break down my walls. He has unlike anyone else but it's just a weird "don't think I'm going soft on you just because the hug..but..ever since the villain attack, kidnapping thing I've been having nightmares.. and it's..fucking s-scary..and I hate it! It happens every god dam night. I I'm loosing sleep. And I can't focus and it's hard to do everything..i feel like I'm going insane!" I vent every out while he just sits there. "Maybe if it would help..I could sleep here with you. If your okay with that. I mean I seemed to calm you down earlier." He says With a completely straight face;) He's not completely wrong I mean he's my stupid crush after fucking all. "I wouldn't mind that I guess..but don't get the wrong idea" I mutter. He smiles and says
"okay I'll sleep over tonight and if that works I'll sleep over more! Okay?" His smile it's too flipping cute. "Yeah sure what fucking ever" I mumble under my breath. But I guess he heard it because he decided to wrap his arms around me. I looked at him, blush on both of our faces. "Ya know your really not that bad when you don't get much sleep!" He comments and pretty much snuggles his head into my neck. I feel my hands spark again. I must be sweating a lot.

       My face is probably more red then kirishimas dam hair. dammit. I can't be going soft on him just because I like this idiot. I think to myself as I put my hand to his face and blow him off my arm. I tried not to hurt him that bad tho; "ow okay were not there yet that's okay.." he says moving his head and arm away from me. "Well I'll see you later then okay? I'm gonna go grab some stuff." He says walking to the door. I didn't say anything but get up and started to do some homework. I heard the door open the close. He left. I sigh and get some clothes to take a quick shower.

Two chapters done I'll get morning his nightmare in the next chapter!

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