Chapter 3

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Kirishimas POV

Wow I didn't know Bakugou could go soft. It's nice but..different..I kinda can't wait to have a sleep over with him I mean he's my crush after all! Maybe he likes me too, I mean he did hug and vent out to me, so maybe..I shouldn't get my hopes up tho.

I think all this as I pack a small bag. With just the essentials like a toothbrush, my uniform, etc. I finally get done and I decided to text Mina about what's going on. She knows I have a crush on Bakugou so it's no big deal I guess.

Shark 🦈: hey 👋🏼 I need to talk to you about something..

Alien queen 👑👽: ooooo~ spill the tea sis

Shark 🦈: well ya know how I have my crush on Bakugou and I told you about what happened in the bathroom?? Well he said he's been having nightmares and I said maybe if I sleep over I'd help him..and he said yes! What do I do???? What if something goes wrong??

Alien queen 👑👽: AJTEIABVSHS...omg calm down you'll be fine just play it cool and be yourself okay?

Shark 🦈: yeah okay..thanks!

I put my phone in the pocket of my shorts and decided to change my shirt into a red shirt. I walked out of my dorm and went to Bakugous which was a few doors down.

I was in front of his door..I took a deep breath before knocking. It took a second but then a shirtless Bakugou with wet hair opened the door. I felt heat instantly rush to my face and I looked at is toned body in awe. I've seen his body before but..not like this. "Oi stop staring would ya?" He said with a smirk. "Woah..I mean y-yeah hah sorry!" I walked in his room and set my stuff down my stuff and sat on his bed. He walked back from closing the door to his dresser and pulled out a black tank top. Then went back to the bathroom. He took a bit but then came out wearing the shirt and his hair was still kinda wet but not as much.

He slumped down next to me and closed his eyes. I took this opportunity to pet his head. It was kinda damp but was fluffy? I think it would be sharp! But nope it was really soft and fluffy. He nuzzled his head into my hand, this made me blush..a lot. "I think we should get some sleep" I said shyly, retracing my hand from his head. He was too tired to answer I guess and just nodded.

I went to sleep on the floor as he turned off the lights,but I got pulled back into his bed. He pushed me down and flopped down next to me. I just sat there looking at him for a bit. The moon light from the window shined down on him as he fell asleep. It was kinda..cute. I few minutes later I feel asleep along with Baku boy.

Time skip to around three in the morning.

I felt a lot of movement next to me I opened my eyes to see Bakugou sweating like crazy, tears streaming down his face, his hand sparking, he looked awful. I tried to shake him awake and yelling 'Bakugo' . But it didn't work. I got a but worried and yelled "KATSUKI". He instantly woke up exploding the blanket. Luckily it didn't catch on fire.

"Hey man. Are you ok-" before I could finish I felt him grab onto me. He cried into my neck. I didn't care about my shirt getting soaked at this point I just got wanted to know if he was okay. I hugged him back rubbing small circles into his back whispering things like "it's okay" he seemed to calm down after a few minutes. I've never see this side of him the side we're he's so fragile and just breaks down.

"are you okay?" I ask him. "N-no.." he responds in a shaky voice. " I'm here now so..don't worry." I hold him tighter. "Ya know it's okay to cry..crying is manly too!" I try to cheer him up. He lets go and lightly punched me in the shoulder. "Yeah I guess.." he mutters. "I think you should get more sleep. Let's not do a work out until you feel better, okay?" I give him a smile. He gives me a small smile in return. We both lay back down. The room is filled with silence again. "Um can we cuddle or something..?" I whisper. He didn't even respond. He just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. He rested his head on my chest and slowly put his arms around me. as he feel asleep I listened so his soft snores and watched his chest rise and fall slowly. I put one of my hands in his hair while the other is still wrapped around him. And I slowly feel asleep with the precious Bakugou in my arms

I maybe that escalated too fast? This is my first story so I'm not really sure...oh well

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