Chapter 6

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Kirishimas POV

I woke up and looked at the time. 5:37 pm. "Ughhhh" I groaned rolling out of bed. I decided to eat something so I went to the elevator to go to the 'hangout area' as my friends called it. I walked out of the elevator to see people either hangout with their partner or friends.denki and Sero were playing Mario cart. And Sero was winning. "Hey don't you dare blue shell  me!!" Sero yelled "HAH BET" denki yelled back

      I laughed a little but rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen. I saw Bakugou and Jiro sitting at the counter. "Momo is so cute..but she'd never like me back! We are pretty much opposites!" Jiro complained under her breath. "Shut up. She has a thing for you if that isn't obvious. Whenever your around her she literally looses her shit. She keeps stuttering and can barely focus on creating anything." Bakugou told her back. "Woah really?" She asked. " well yeah go get her or some shit.." "aww your the best! Your really not that mean as everyone says you are!" Jiro said skipping away. Now it was only me and Bakugou. I took a deep breath and said.

       "Hey, I didn't know you were good at giving advice?" I started to smile. "Tch whatever I was just feeling 'nice'" he responded back. I went to the fridge and pulled out the lunch meats to make a sandwich. I quickly put together the sandwich and sat down with a small bag of chips next to Bakugou.

     "Want some?" I said shaking the bag of chips. "I can get my own" he huffed "yeah but I'm not that hungry so I'd probably only finish half the bag and my sandwich anyways!" I smiled at him hope he'd change his mind. "Hm fine" he said taking the bag and eating a few chips.  We sat there in comfortable silence till Sato walked into the kitchen. "Hey guys if you don't mind I'm gonna make some cookies soo..." I'm pretty sure he wanted us to leave. "Oh! Okay I was just finished eating anyways!" I said with a smile. He smiled back and said "alright! Well if you want, come back in about a hour and you can have some" he said with a thumbs up. I nodded and dragged Bakugou to the coach.
       Me and Bakugou sat down on the love seat (which that was the only chair open) and I saw Todoroki, deku, Tsuyu and Uraraka on the other chair.  Todoroki had his arm around his boyfriend and Uraraka was talking to him while Tsuyu would join in once in a while. They looked so cute together..I wish I had that sometimes. I felt Bakugou lean his head on my shoulder. I felt a blush creep up on my face. Izuku looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Todoroki saw This and winked In a smug way. Izuku lightly punched him. I couldn't help but giggle at that. But my blush was even more red.

     Bakugo wrapped his arms around my waist in a protective way and leaned his head on my shoulder. I buried my face in my shirt out of embarrassment. My face was probably more red then my hair. You could hear 'awww's from around us. I heard a slight..growl from Bakugou? "Aww he's like a little Pomerania!" Uraraka squealed in happiness. I looked over to Bakugou, his face was angry yet soft as he had a dust of pink spread across his face. "SHUT IT ROUND FACE!" Bakugou yelled back. He only got a few giggles in response.

Tsuyu decided to put on a movie while we hangout and wait for cookies. She put on the greatest show man (my personal favourite movie) she turned off the lights and sat back down only the lights from the kitchen and other places were on so it had a little light peaking through. With the light of the tv of course too. I leaned back into Bakugou to get more comfortable. He nuzzled into my neck and got comfortable too. As the movie played I hummed and occasionally sang along with the music.
       Uraraka And Tsuyu pretty much had there own little concert. While Todoroki and Izuku were cuddling on the couch. And I'd hear Izuku sing a little bit, once in a while. The room soon, mid way through the movie was filled with the sent of fresh baked cookies. Sato came around with a plate of cookies. And gave one to everyone. Then went back to work baking. He ate the cookies they were really good! I mean Sato made them not of course there good! I handed Bakugou his he took one big  bite out of the cookie. I looked at him. "What?" He questioned. "Oh hm I just is that how you normally eat cookies?" "Yeah so?" "Uh never mind.." I looked back at the tv. Then Bakugous hand moved to my chin and pulled my face to his. We were just barely apart by a few inches. He wiped the side of my face. Licked the fingers he used to wipe it with. "You had a little something of your face idiot." He muttered. I was still in shock by his actions. How could he make something like that look And hot! I thought to myself. "Hey kirishima?" He shook me a bit. "O-Oh! Sorry I must have spaced out a bit." I said nervously. "Uh huh" he said laying his head back down on my shoulder. I looked back up at the tv and finished watching the movie.

Time skip to later that night bc I'm lazy

I walked into Bakugous room he was laying on his bed with his phone in hand. It was around 9 ish I was getting a bit tired. We had a small conversation about school etc. "hey I'm gonna go to sleep." I said sliding into bed next to him. "Yeah okay." He said getting up and turning off the lights. He laid down next to me and looked me straight in the eyes. His beautiful ruby red eyes shined in the moon light creeping through the window. As his spiky ash-blonde hair was slightly down due to the pillow. "Ya have really pretty eyes" I said allowed. "W-what?" He stuttered. "Yeah there like fiery red jewels. If that's not weird.." "your just weird in general shitty hair." He responded back. I giggled and said "well it's true!" "Just go to sleep already." He said grabbing me and holding me by my waist. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled my head into his chest. As we both fell asleep

Kiribaku •you're the light in my dark•Where stories live. Discover now