chpt 1

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I was walking through the massive doors and looked behind me at the large courtyard, the last time I’d been through these had been in the dead of night and through a much different perspective. Hogwarts was so beautiful, one could even say magical, but that would be overly ironic, it took my breath away. As I ascended the stairs I was met by a stern looking woman, whose hair was pulled back and tied in a tight bun, her robes were neat and I could tell that we would ultimately be friends. She smiled warmly at me, "Hello dear, you must be here about the teaching position." I smiled and nodded my reply silently, I didn't care if I appeared to be meek and shy, I needed to stay unnoticed by the ministry and if that meant hiding in plain sight then so be it. "My name is Minerva." She shook my hand firmly.  

"I'm Robyn, nice to meet you," albeit I may have been overdoing it a tad but there’s nothing wrong with showing manners.

We walked in silence as she led me to the headmaster's office. I didn't need showing around the school but no-one else needed to know that.

"Strawberry Jam." That received a rather queer look from me, I knew that Dumbledore had a sense of humour but that was a little weird for someone as intelligent as him. The gargoyle staircase began to unfurl and I climbed it alone, barely noticing the absence of my guide as I tapped on the door. "Come in," I opened the door and caught my first sight of one of the most brilliant wizards there had ever been.

"You are here for the job then?" He smiled kindly and peered at me over those half-moon spectacles.  

"Yes I am, and I was hoping that you would possibly..." I was cut off mid-sentence as he raised his hand.

"My dear I don't have a problem with giving you the job as a teaching aid, but can you please tell me, what is wrong with you?" Ouch, that was awfully direct, how had he found out?

"I...I'm not sure what you mean." Let's just make sure he was talking about my...condition, before I ran headlong into trouble. He laughed. I was beginning to think this man was a loony. "You voluntarily applied for a position that I have spent a year trying to fill. You must be insane."

‘Yeah I probably am.’ I thought wistfully, "I just like teaching," that part wasn't a lie, in all my years of life I had spent most of them longing to teach.  

"You don't look old enough to have graduated school, yet you say on your resume that you have experience, how so?" He looked genuinely confused at that particular fact, I didn't blame him, I looked twenty at best with my current disguise and I suppose being overly polite made me appear younger than that. "I look a lot younger than I actually am."  

"You mean 244 years younger." It wasn't a question, he knew who I was.  

"Actually its 243, I stopped aging when I was twenty; and no that was not the intended meaning of that statement," I looked out the window, calculating the damage I would cause if I jumped from it, I needed to get out. However he obviously saw the panic on my face because he smiled and had that- just calm down- look on his face. "Don't worry; I've no plans to tell the Ministry that I have a criminal hiding here." That meant he would let me stay.  

"And how do I know you can be trusted?" 

"Would they not already be here had I intended to turn you in?" He replied. He was right.

"So I take it you know who and what I am?" My question was one I felt needed to be confirmed, I was not here to risk people's lives. He stood and walked over to the bookcase to his left, he picked out an unfamiliar book and turned to a marked page, "You are Robyn Tepesh, Nosferatu royalty and convicted murderer of eighteen London residents. You spent eighteen years in Azkaban and escaped early this year just three hours after the escape of a certain Sirius Black; still in hiding with the use of your natural powers to change your appearance." Okay he had done his research; the man knew that I was a blood sucking, people murdering, camouflaged, convicted monster. Yet he wanted to employ me regardless.  

Definitely a loony. "And I still have the job?" 

"Yes. Welcome to Hogwarts!"

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