Chapter 6.

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"Ye know Daniels. Sometimes I think you're too much for me." John panted as I collapsed on top of him.

"What are you talking about? I did all the work this time!" I laughed, resting my head on his chest.

"Somehow, ye manage to make an orgasm fuckin mindblowing."

I smiled and looked up at him. "You're so sexy after sex. Messy hair, sweaty, out of breath."

"So are you love. Fucking hell let's do it again." He smirked, sitting up. I straddled his waist and kissed him slowly. I felt his hands moving up and down my back, slowly caressing my skin. I smiled against his lips, leaning into him.

"Fuckin christ I never thought I'd see ye again, let alone do this." He laughed. I giggled and brushed my thumb over his eyebrows.

"Sometimes it pays off to be patient." I smirked, grabbing his hand and placing it between my legs.


Me and John made our way as quietly as possible back to his hotel room. I was giggling as he kissed my neck, pushing me up against the door.

"John stop it. Someone might hear us. Wait until we get inside."

"It's much more exciting like this huh? You're mine now remember?" He smirked. I smiled and slid the tip of my finger over the love bites over his collar bone.

John was opening the door when we heard the door across from us open. Paul appeared, an angry look on his face when he saw me.

"Oh heya Paul! So I was thinkin we'd stick around just one more day..."

"What for her!? Fuck that John. Were leavin tomorrow mornin so I suggest ye get some rest. Without her." Paul pointed at me. I sighed and shook my head.

"Look Paul I know I messed up between me and Jo.."

"It's the fact that ye left without a word! Hurt me mate for months! Then ye show up out of nowhere, making him beg like a fuckin dog for you!"

"Paul that's enough!" John yelled.

"Why John!? Why do ye always protect her!?"

"Because I love her! That's why! You're just jealous because that bird left ye. Why?? Oh yeah, cause she found out what a controlling son of a bitch ye really are!" John fired back.

I watched Paul's expression soon faded from Anger to hurt. He just silently turned on his heel, making his way back inside his room. John sighed.

"Lucy I'm sorry about that."

I nodded. "It's okay John. Um, I better get going. Work tomorrow early morning."

"Alright love. I need a bit of rest myself. G'night." He said, leaning down to kiss me. I met him halfway, leaning up, kissing him softly. I pulled away slowly.

"Good night John. I'll see you tomorrow?"

He smiled and nodded. "Definitly."

"Good." I gave him a warm smile. I turned on my heel, making my way down the hall. I looked back and watched as John's door shut. I quietly made my way back, and stood outside of Paul's door.

I was ready to knock when he opened the door, red eyes as he glared at me.

"L...Lucy. What are ye doing 'ere? I thought you left already."

"I Michelle and you..."

"Split okay?? There ye happy!?" He yelled. I covered his mouth with my hand, shoving him back inside his room. He stared at me.

"Paul, I know you hate me. You hate me for hurting John, for not keeping in touch...but I'm here now. Alright? I had my reasons."

"I don't want to hear your excuses Lucy. You fuck me mate then ye just leave him the next day like nothing happe.."

"Like what you did to me?" I interrupted.

"What are ye talkin about?"

I sighed and shook my head. "Those first nights when you'd come over to mine and we'd talk, spend time together...make love."

He just watched as I went on.

"You did the same thing to me. I wasn't talking to John at all. Ye knew how hurt I was then. You fucked me and then by complete surprise, I find out you had a girlfriend the entire time."

It was quiet for a few minutes until he spoke. "Lucy I...I didn't know it hurt you.."

"Well it did. I'm tired of your bullshit Paul. The hurt, the mean looks. I don't give a fuck if you can't stand me and John being together. I love him. And I know he loves me."

I walked to the door and reached for the doorknob. Before I could turn it, I was stopped.

"Lucy. I've always loved ye. I was jealous. I always was. I figured the best way to change my feelings was to treat ye badly. Ignore you. Anytime I got too close...I had to make sure I hurt you to keep my distance. The fact that you and John always make it through just, hurts me."

I sighed and walked over to him, kissing his cheek. We looked at each other and leaned in, pressing out lips together.


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