Chapter 42.

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Three Weeks Later

August 29, 1967

I yawned and sat at my desk, talking to Andrew about a new article I had in mind. How drugs were having an impact on current music and styles.

Work was great. It felt amazing to be behind a desk again, typing and reviewing. Working with Andrew again was a breeze. I had forgotten what it was like to be an independant woman. Of course I kept in touch with Paul. He called almost once a week to let me know what was going on.


Andrew left off out to get lunch with his girlfriend as I got myself ready for my new assignment. I was about to go out to check a few facts when the phone rang. I thought about ignoring it but it could be Paul, or the babysitter.

"Rolling Stone, Lucy Daniels assistant music editor's office." I said looking around my desk for my clipboard.

"Lucy Daniels. This is a friend of Brian's. I wasn't able to reach Paul since he has other engagements right now. I know you and Brian were friends..."

I set my things down and sat back in my chair. "Y..yes we are friends. What's this about?? Is Brian in any kind of trouble??"

I heard the gentlemen sigh on the other end of the line before he spoke. "Miss Daniels, Brian Epstein passed away two days ago. He was found in his bed on Sunday morning supposedly deceased from an overdose."

I sat in completely silence, my heart racing, tears welling up in my eyes. I felt my stomach turn as I took everything in.

" No he can't be.." I trailed off. I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"I know it's shocking. It was a surprise to everyone here as well. We thought it'd be only right to let his dear friends know and well, in his number book, he has your number under Close relatives."

I smiled to myself and wiped my tears. "I um...when's his funeral?"

"Weve made plans. If you'd like to visit, I'll give you the address and location."

"Okay..Brian was..he didn't seem depressed or sad."

"We don't know the details yet love. The authorities are calling it a suicide. But, I think it was just an accident."

I bit my lip and wrote down the information and hung up. I walked over to the door and shut it, locked, and fell to my knees, crying my eyes out the rest of the afternoon.


When I got home, I paid the sitter, made sure James was asleep, and made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a huge glass of wine. I took my sunglasses off and tossed them on the counter, making my way outside on my balcony.

I sat down on a chair and just drank and cried. My eyes hurt so bad from the tears. The cool air wasnt helping. Why would Brian do this?? He just wanted to sleep. Now, he was.

"Brian you're such a fuckin idiot. Why??" I cried to myself. After finishing my glass, I fixed myself up and walked to the door as someone knocked. I opened it to see Paul. I flung into his arms and sobbed into his chest, just wanting him to make all the pain go away.


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