Chapter 39.

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Waking up next to Paul every morning was still so foreign to me. Kisses, loving words, breakfast and cuddles. John was always more straightfoward and if he wanted sex, he'd just have to say please.

Paul was getting dressed as I layed in bed, a sheet around my naked body, watching him button up his shirt. I stretched and yawned.


"Yes love?"

"Do you think I did the right thing? Signing the papers to divorce John?"

He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He brushed my hair away from my face and looked at me.


I nodded.

"I know ye love him. But he's not good for you. Or the baby. Right now he's a mess. I didn't want to tell ye this but...A few days ago I was in the studio putting my guitar away and well, I saw something in his guitar case that I..."

"What was it?" I asked trying to sit up, he had to help me.

"I don't know but, I think it was heroin." He said shrugging. I shut my eyes and instantly I knew, I made the right decision. The only thing that bothered me, was the fact he'll have nobody to take care of him. I mean what if something happens to him? What if he overdosed? What if he was causing harm to himself or tried to even....I don't want to even think that way.

Paul watched me as I looked up at him. "Paul just...please watch over him yeah?"

He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "Of course I will love."

He got up and finished getting dressed as I put on something to wear. I was walking out of the room when I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I bit my lip to stop myself from making any noise.

"Are ye okay love?" Paul asked sounding concerned. I nodded.

"Yeah. Just cramps that's all." I said calmly. He nodded and helped me into the kitchen. The smell of eggs and potatos made my stomach grumble with hunger.

"You made me breakfast?"

"Yeah. I um, probably not as good as yours but, I dont want ye on your feet too much." He blushed. I smiled and sat down.

"Thank you Paul. I love you."

"I love ye too." He leaned down and pecked my lips. In that instant, I felt movement in my stomach. I giggled and looked down.

"I think the baby wants out now."

Paul kneeled down and rubbed my stomach. He laughed when he felt the baby kick.

"Holy shit.." he said looking at me in awe. I smiled and watched him. The baby was being very active this morning. I looked at the clock.

"It's almost nine Paul. You have to be there in ten minutes." I said fixing his hair. He nodded.

"Alright. Remember, call me at the studio if anything happens. And stay off your feet. Just read a book, drink some tea and keep calm."

I laughed and shoved him. "I'll be fine Paul. Get out."

He smiled as I followed him to the front door. I closed it behind him as he left. I was walking back to the kitchen when the door opened and Paul swooped in, turning me around and giving me a deep kiss. I smiled against his lips and pulled away for air.

"What was that for?"

"Because, I can." He said quietly. I blushed and turned his head away.

"Don't get soft on me McCartney."

"Oh believe me, I never do." He winked. I laughed and shook my head.

"Bye Paul."

"Bye love."


I was a little disappointed in John. Maybe this was sparking up his aggression. He's expecting a child though. He should know better. Maybe this time, he didn't want me to help him. I really have to stop worrying about Lennon.

I was folding laundry later that afternoon when my stomach felt...different. I leaned against the bed and let out a small whimper as the pain grew more intense. I took short, easy breaths.

"Oh god. Not now. Please just be a cramp." I said to myself.

I layed back on the bed and groaned in pain. Reaching over for the phone was fuckin torture, just for me to drop it. I shut my eyes and felt like my body was being torn apart.

"Please....oh god." I cried. I sat up and crawled off the bed. Then it happened. My water broke. I took a deep breath and grabbed the phone off the floor. I dialed, until I heard the front door open and close.

"Mumy??" Julian's little voice, music to my ears.

"Lucy?? Paul said it was okay if I came over to drop off the typwriter!" Cynthia shouted. I took a deep breath and shouted.

"I'm upstairs! Can you come up please!?" I yelled. It wasn't long until she came into the bedroom, her eyes widening when she saw me on the floor.

"Oh my god, Lucy!" She yelled, kneeling on the floor. I was breathing heavily at this point.

" water broke. I think I'm having this baby." I said holding onto her arm.

"But I thought you were due next month!" She said sounding nervous. She grabbed a towel and cleaned me up.

"No. I've been due for awhile now. I had found out I was pregnant a month before I told John."

She shushed me. "Explain later. We need to get you to a hospital."

She helped me up and walked me downstairs, called Julian over and helped me into her car. Julian rubbed my stomach and told me everything was going to be alright. He was excited his brother was coming sooner.

When we entered the hospital, I was wheeled off to a room. Cyn followed and told me she'd call Paul. Making things right with Cyn, might have just saved my life.


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