Chapter 13.

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I sat in the living room, watching tv and looking in the paper for a job. I noticed an ad that read, Artists wanted. Small pay, great working experience. Needed soon.

I looked at the phone number and reached for the phone when I noticed George walk in, dressed up nicely.

"Hi George. What's got you dressed so nicely?"

"Just goin out. Can a bloke not look nice just to head out?"

"It's a girl isn't it?" I asked as he sat down next to me.

"Do you care?"

I shrugged. "Not really. If it is then, I'm happy for you."

He just looked at me and sighed. "Yes Lucy. It is a girl. A girl I very much like and hopefully get to see awhile longer."

I nodded and went back to my paper. "Good for you."

"See, you're mad now."

"How am I mad? I said good for you."

"The way ye said it. You birds are all alike. Ye say you're fine but then you're really pissed off." He stood up and grabbed his watch off a table, putting it on.


"What Lucy?"

I bit my lip and set my paper down. "I really am happy for you. A little hurt but, happy. I always wanted you to find someone. I'm glad you are." I gave him a small smile.

He walked over and leaned down, kissing the top of my head. "Thanks love. So um, what are ye doin?"

"Looking for a job. I mean if I'm staying here, I want to atleast be doing something. Then who knows, I'll be making money so then, I can move out." I smiled. He looked a little upset by this.

"W..why? I mean ye can stay here as long as ye want. No rush."

I smiled to myself and looked down. "Who knows, I might not even get a job right away. Plus, I just want one so I'll have something to do. It can get boring just being here on my own."

"I understand. Well I better get goin. John should be here soon."

I smiled. "Good to know. See you later Geo."

He blushed and kissed my cheek, walking over to the door.


Me and John laid in bed naked after John gave me a very tiring welcome home gift. I was laying on top of him as he lit a cigarette.

"It feels nice to be back in England. It's been too long." I smiled.

He traced the outline of my lips with his fingertip. "Lucy?"

"Yes John?"

"I want another baby."

I sighed and sat up. He watched me as I shook my head.

"No John I..."

"Why not?" He pouted. "Lucy I want to atleast try."

"The doctor said I can't. And what if I do get pregnant and lose it again like last time?? Do you know how depressed I was afterwards? I just can't go through all that again."

He sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I know it hurt Lucy but...this is something I really want. I want another us in the world. You, me...the baby. We'll be complete."

"Then what John? You'll be busy and..."

"Don't find an excuse okay? I want to try. If not then I'll lay off the subject. Will you be willing to atleast try? For me?"

I looked into his eyes and nodded slowly. "Okay John. We'll try."


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