Chapter 41.

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I squeeked and jumped into Andrews arms as he stood outside the gate, waiting for me. He held me and hugged me tight.

"Fuckin christ it's been too long." He said in my ear. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I missed you so much! Holy fuckin hell I can't believe I'm here right now." I said as he set me down. He laughed and stood back, looking me up and down.

"Wow. Had a kid, still a fuckin fox." He winked. I rolled my eyes and shoved him.

"Still a fuckin perv I see."

He grabbed my suitcases and called a taxi.

"Want to meet the new love of my life?" I asked. I picked up James from inside the baby stroller and held him in my arms. He was sleeping, looking very content. Andrew smiled.

"Oh my goodness he's fuckin adorable."

I shoved him. "Andrew no bad words in front of his little tiny innocent ears."

"Oh right. If only his mother was the same way." He smirked. I made a face.

"Show me my office."


I smiled, looking at my name on the door. Assistant music editor underneath. I walked into the office and looked around. The view was incredible. I could see almost all of San Francisco from the twentieth floor.

"Holy shit. Just imagine a tumble out this window." I muttered.

"How d'you like it?" Andrew smiled, sitting in my chair.

"I love it. I can't wait to get started. Andrew I...I can't thank you enough." I smiled and sat in his lap. He moved his hands around my waist and looked up at me.

"Well, maybe I can take you out to lunch? You hungry?"

"Starved!" I said kissing his cheek.


I rocked James in the stroller back and forth with my foot as I ate my chicken salad and sipped my tea. Andrew eating a huge burger. Typical man.

"It feels good to be back in the states." I said looking around.

"Yeah? How are things in England?"

"Good. I missed the sun. Warm weather and getting tan." I laughed. He smiled.

"I've missed you."

"Oh come on now Andrew..."

"No I, I really do. I did."

I blushed and looked at him. "I missed you too Andrew. More than you'll ever know."


Later that evening, I set James in his bed and kissed him before leaving the room. I put on the night light, leaving the door slightly open.

I walked down the hall, to the living room, which was full of boxes and covered furniture. Andrew walked out of the kitchen with a bottle of beer in hand. He handed me one. I smiled and took a drink.

"It was nice of you to get me this apartment. Thanks." I smiled walking over to him. He leaned back against the counter as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I um, I would like to thank you for everything you've done for me." I looked up at him from under my eyelashes and grabbed his beer, setting it aside with my own.

"Yeah? What if I told you, I already have a girlfriend? Back home, waiting for me?" He said leaning forward.

"And what if I told you, It's never stopped you before and who knows when an opprotunity like this will ever come from me again?" I smirked. He chuckled and cupped my face into his hands, pressing his lips on mine.

I shut my eyes and kissed him slowly, taking the time to taste his lips.

"Mmm." I hummed and pulled away. "Remind me of the good old days."


The ringing phone woke me up the next morning, making me groan. I picked up my head to realise I was alone. A small note on the nightstand.

"Sorry I had to leave early. My girlfriend would be up my ass if I didn't show up. I did have a good time though. So glad you're back Luce.
    Ps, I left you something on the sofa.
Love, Andrew. (Sex god)"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. The phone began ringing again. I quickly picked it up before James could hear.

"Hello?" I sat up and pulled the sheet over my body.

"Hey Lucy! You get in alright??"

I smiled. Hearing his voice made my heart skip a beat.

"Yes Paul. I miss you already."

"Yeah? How was the first night in your trendy loft?"

I looked down at my naked body and bit my lip nervously. He chuckled.

"Let me guess. Ye shacked up with a bloke last night, and now you're tryin to find an excuse while you're layin in bed right at this moment naked."

I shut my eyes. "Maybe?"

"Oh Lucy."

"Well it wasn't with a stranger! Just a dear friend."

"Right. Well I'm just glad ye made it alright. How's James?"


In that instant, James began crying. I held the phone between my ear and shoulder as I got out of bed and put a shirt on, buttoning it up.

"He's calling mum." I said in Paul's accent.

"I don't sound like that Daniels! Look I 'ave to go. We got a trip planned ahead of us. George's planned us for India soon."

"Oh yeah? I'm intrigued. Keep me posted yeah? I love you."

"I love ye too Luce. Take care."

"I will. Give my love to Jules. Bye."

I hung up and just smiled to myself until the cries brought me back into reality. I ran along to take care of James.


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