Chapter 7: War Talk

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"Ah, Summoner Tyler!" Queen Meena chuckled, standing in front of her throne with wine in hand. "I was just going to visit you! I heard they were going to kill the hound that almost killed you. Speaking of which... how are you standing exactly?" She said, squinting at me.

"Meena, please sit down." King Leon waved his hand. "She's becoming a bit worried. I'll explain in a moment, but we must talk about Estelle here and her anger with Anastasia." He crossed his arms, standing in front of the stairs that lead up to the platform the thrones were on.

"She had almost killed our only chance at winning this war!" Estelle angrily pointed at Anastasia, who was holding onto my right arm as if someone was about to take me away from her.

"You seem to forget the fact that she did it for him." Summoner Two grunted.

"You have no right to talk to me!" Estelle scowled at her. It was like listening to someone argue with themself, which is pretty much true in this situation.

"Estelle." King Leon's voice boomed.

"What?" Both Estelles answered in synchronization.

"Okay. That's confusing." I stepped away. "Estelle," I said looking at the second Summoner, "can we call you El?"

"El?" She asked. "I actually kind of like that." El smiled. "I think that should do fine."

"Don't distract us from her!" Estelle crossed her arms, glaring at Anastasia.

"Estelle." King Leon yelled, his voice almost shaking the floor. "So far, it seems this woman has done more than you when it comes to training the young Summoner here." He pointed a thumb at Anastasia as he spoke. "She's obviously needed and Summoner Tyler does appear to want her presence, so she is meant to be treated fairly. Will that be a problem?" He asked, an edge to his voice.

Estelle wanted to say more, but lowered her head in shame. "Good." King Leon sighed. "Now, onto a more important matter to the kingdom." King Leon said, walking up the stairs to his throne. He sat down and waved his hand, the two guards at the main doors closing the entrance.

"This has to do with the Kingdom of Renark, right?" Estelle sighed. "What's happening?"

"It's what's not happening." King Leon grunted. "Summoner Tyler has done all his summoning without the use of a Summoning Mirror. Do you not understand how dangerous that could be?" He made eye contact with me.

I extended my arms and closed my eyes. "I don't need a Summoning Mirror. It's a part of me." I opened my eyes and King Leon smiled, satisfied with my answer. My right eye was glowing again and I could see hundreds of realities that King Leon is a part of. There were some where he was human, a worker, a dictator, a student, a brawler... the list goes on and on.

I deactivated my ability and the summoning circle in front of my hand vanished and the alternate realities flashing before my eyes also disappeared. "What a fine catch, Estelle." He grinned. "Your official training begins tomorrow, Summoner. You will be taught how to use an actual Summoning Mirror, just in case in your case," King Leon snickered, "and then you will be given some target practice using whatever that thing is. Probably just targets to shoot. Quite an intriguing weapon if I say so myself." He admired the crossbow.

"Yes, your highness." I responded, slightly bowing.

"Good manners." King Leon quietly chuckled. "And Anastasia, we can prepare you a room if you so desire."

"Anastasia? Is that the piece of work's name?" Queen Meena asked, studying Anastasia who was still clinging to me. Anastasia didn't look at the Queen. "Where did she come from by the way?" She asked the King.

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