Chapter 9: Duplicates

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"We're here." Estelle stopped in the middle of the circle. I looked around, but there was no mirror, to put it bluntly.

"Estelle, care to tell me where this Summoning Mirror is?" I asked, looking between trees.

"The Summoning Mirror must first be summoned as well." She responded, lacing her fingers together.

"You have to summon the Summoning Mirror? That's kinda dumb." I rolled my eyes.

"It's the same as you do within your own eye. It doesn't just appear." She grunted, displeased with my response. "Now watch carefully." She closed her eyes and I watched, a wind picking up around Estelle.

The winds around us began to become more viscous and it finally released in an explosion around Estelle, almost knocking me onto my back. I regained my footing and stared dumbly, a giant mirror floating in front of Estelle.

"Holy shit." I muttered. "That's what a Summoning Mirror looks like?"

"Yep. It's a piece of work, ain't it?" Arnold laughed, elbowing my side. "This will allow us ta see what ya see and pick a suitable candidate for yer next summon. Touch ta glass." Arnold commanded.

I walked up to the mirror and reached out. The mirror was at least ten feet around in diameter and the edges were surrounded in gold that appeared to be moving. Think of like a slime or something that could move on its own and then you had the gold edges down, moving and stretching away from and toward the mirror.

I placed my hand on the glass and as if I touched the surface of a still pond, waves bounced away from where I made contact, the golden edges falling still. My right eye began going through multiple realities, visible on the mirror itself.

"He's moving so fast through the realities..." Estelle's mouth dropped.

"What are we looking for?" I asked, hundreds of people, humanoids, and monsters flying past my vision.

"We are looking for a reliable paladin. A defensive warrior to train more of their kind in our army. We can focus on the Identifier at another time." Estelle answered.

"A paladin, huh..." I said, my vision focusing on warriors with experience with both sword and shield. Finally, the mirror in front of me and in my own eye stopped, revealing a scene before us. A woman stood with her back to a coliseum wall. She heavily breathed with a sword and shield in her hands, looking up at someone.

The shadow of someone raising a sword was visible and the woman rolled out of the way, the blade sinking into the sand where she had stood. The view focused on her and I could finally see her face under the light blue helmet she wore.

Bright, blue eyes seemed to glow from under the helmet's shadow. She held up her shield and the assailant's sword clashed against it, allowing her to push the attacker back. She spun around, the white cloth she wore with the light leather armor making her look like an angelic warrior.

"She's the one." Estelle answered. "She's got form, ability, and intuition. Summon her."

"In the middle of combat?" I coughed, unsure of whether or not I'd want to summon someone who was in the heat of battle.

"Just do it." Arnold waved his hand around.

"Have mercy on me." I muttered, holding my arms out. The all so familiar Summoning Circle appeared at the front of my right hand and I released my magic, a bright light flooding the area. When it faded, the warrior stood in the middle of the summoning field.

"Where am I?" She asked looking around at us, and then fainted.

"Well, that deals with whatever could have happened." Estelle sighed, relieved. "Wait a minute. The Summoning Mirror! Look!" Estelle pointed, turning to face the mirror.

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