Her Secret

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:--This is long. Hope you enjoy--:

A year has passed since their first actual kiss. 11 months since the death. 3 months since May gave birth to her bundle of joy. Acourse no one knows about her. May keeps it a secret, just as she did with her relationships.  No one knows but may and the doctors that helped with the delivery. She doesnt really know why she keeps the birth a secret. Its not like people didnt suspect her and coulson were together. Her only regret is that she didnt tell coulson she loved him sooner. Now, she just had to live with her past. Going back to work wasnt as easy as everyone thought it was. A whole year off trying to process not one death but two, people the team deeply cared for. And acource the snap and half the earth getting dusted didnt help either. When everyone was back people rejoiced, everyone but may. It may have been a year but his death was still burnt into her mind, sitting at the very front haunting every moment of her life. She put on a fake smile and kept up the good work. The work that could take her life away, like it did his. But may knew now not to dwell on the thought that she had no purpose anymore, but yet may stands here with a baby and teammates that needed her as she needed them. Their first couple missions went smoothly, no one injured severly. Then, like fate loves to do, toys with their emotions good or bad. A parralel universe, fitz in space, and personal reasons everyone has. May was starting to hate this job. One day may went home to her baby girl and for once in awhile, smiled a actual, genuine smile as she looked at her daughter. Memories from when she wanted to have a family with andrew and memories from being a kid saying " im gonna be a mom one day!" came flooding back. She didnt let herself be affected by those old feelings but to know that her one true love was the person she had a baby with. The moment was quickly ruined by a text from yoyo saying they got a lead on their quest to find fitz. May smiled one last time at her baby, gathered her things, and left her small apartment. The days quickly went on and may kept the secret going for years.
-16 years later-
"Come on is that all you've got Fitz?" the young girl says as she hits her friend in the rib cage. "Ow! You know you have been training longer than any if us have, right?" The young girl smiled as she landed a punch on the girls arm. "Briefing in ten. Clean up you two" may says as she walks out of the gym. The two girls got cleaned up and walked to the living space. "Crawford, Fitz nice to see you two join us." they heard from the front of the room. "Sorry director but you cant do your job correctly if you dont know how to do it" crawford says walking up to the big cluster of people. "We have a potential inhuman being targeted. Her name is Gloria Sanchese, 24 years old and has one older brother named Tomas Sanchese, 26 years old. Her brother has been off the radar since the beginning of the year when the government went after him for being inhuman. Our goal is to secure her from any harm and see if she has any powers. Crawford, and agents fitzs will take point on this mission. Break." Everyone started going their own ways but may and crawford stood behind. "Dont you have a mission to go prep for?" "I could say the same thing sbout you. Whens are next training session? They're kinda fun." "Ha ha when you get back we'll talk about meeting times. Good luck crawford." may said walking out of the common area. Agent crawford walked out to the zephyer, passing the other agents working in the lighthouse. When crawford got to the plane she was greeted by one of her bestfriends, Kalani Fitz. "Great your here now we can go!" "Where are we going" crawford asked as they walked up to the cockpit. "Toronto, Canada." "Huh. Where's your brother? I thought he was coming." "Oh he's in the minilab testing some new bio-tech. You'll love it!" The two girls went to the lab, only to be greeted by kalani's brother, Kaleb. "Oh there you are!" "This plane might be over sized but its not that big to get lost in." Crawford laughed. When they reached canada, crawford found gloria at a coffee shop sipping a mocha while reading a book. "Nice day isnt it?" "It is. Thats why im outside." "Well gloria, its not this nice usually in toronto." "From your accent and weather patterns i can tell your not from around here. Im guessing your here to talk to me about my brother. I already told you what i know so tell your boss to stop sending agents from all over to get him. I dont know where he is. Sadly." "Well gloria i wasnt actually here to talk about your brother, im here to talk to you." Gloria looked at crawford surprized. "Well then we better take a walk." The two ladies walked to apartment complexes and a park. "Im here to talk to you about your possible gene." "Again i already told you guys, i dont have powers." They stopped walking in front of a row of apartments. "Other people? How many people have asked you?" "Your the third group to ask. Your alot more friendly than the other ones." "What they do?" "They asked me to show them my powers. I told them i didnt have them." Gloria pointed to an apartment. "The lady that lived there, a nice lady, they shot her right in between the eyes and said id be like that in the next week if i didnt show them my powers next week." She looked back at crawford "The dumb thing about this is that i dont even have powers which means ill be sure as dead when they come back." Crawford stood there, absorbing it all in "What did they look like? Did they wear masks, gun type, bulletproof vets?" "Army material. Standard pistols, some had gernades, some had knifes. Black masks that only showed their eyes. Bulletproof, camo vests with black pants and black hunting boots. Thats all." "Government funded i bet." Crawford muttered under her breathe. "Thank you for your cooperation." "Wait, so you are going to leave me here to die? I dont think so." "Acourse not. I'll be back in a couple days. I have someone to visit." Gloria shrugged as crawford walked back to the zephyer. "Any leads on her brother?" Crawford asked when she got to the main room on the zephyer. "Last seen in the toronto airport ticket said he was flying to Brazil. No one knows anything after that."
-Two months later-
"Hey fitz?" "Yeah whats up? Actually now that your here i wanted to remind you that we need to update your file in a week." "Thanks actually can you hand me that ipad?" "Sure.... why?" "Testing a theory" Crawford stated. Crawford looked into her file to see her 'parents'. She somewhat looked like them but something was off. "Kalani, things dont add up."  "What do you mean?" "My file, my parents, my birthday, mays birthday." "Mays birthday?" "Yeah she 'adopted' me remember?" "Does your theory explain why you airquoted adopted?" "Yes. I just cant shake the feeling im being lied to." "Well how 'bout we ask?" Kalani said walking to the door. "That would sell us off and they would still lie." "Again whats not adding up?" "May was....older when she adopted me meaning that at her age, they would more than likely deny her request to adopt unless she stole me off the road. And i dont have any memory of my 'parents', like when i see the pictures i dont feel that emotional connection with them that most people have with their parents. I feel more emotion towards may that i do them." "Wow when you put it like that yeah, something does seem off. I can take another DNA sample, test it, and you know see if we're being lied to." "Great but do it secretly. I dont need the director and may on my ass, again." "Again?" "Dont ask." Crawford walked down the hall only to run into may. "Hey just wanted to let you know that my file is about to be updated." May stubled back a few steps then said "Oh ok thanks."
--The next morning--
"Fitz tell me you have something." "Yes i got the results back and because im nice i didnt look thats up to you."  Crawford took the ipad sitting on the table and looked. Crawford stubled back shocked. "Well?" "They're the same..." Crawford deleted the file and walked out of the lab, going to find may. "There you are." "What? I have an important meeting." "Well then ill make this quick and simple. Why did you change my DNA samples." "Excuse me?" "Yeah my DNA sample was already taken..today and the results are guess what? There different. And besides dates and birthdays dont add up." "We can continue this after my meeting if you can hold out that long.." may said, walking away. Crawford frusterated, walked away to her bunk. She couldnt beleive it. Not only is she lying to friend best friend, but her heiritage is a lie also. She punched the wall, each minute feeling like an eternity. Thirty minutes later she heard a quiet, subtle knock on her door. Crawford opened it to a blank expressioned face from melinda may. "No one was there except for the doctors, you were kept off of files, imports, peoples radar for the longest of time until i brought you onto SHIELD. You were given the name olympia anne crawford, given a  backstory, given a heiritage and i was fine with it. No one knew, no one suspected enough to confront me so i kept the secret going." Olympia sat down. "M-my real name..." "Is olympia daisy coulson. And you should wear that name proud when the secrets out. For know i think it should stay as it is with you know... the director and his things." "Yeah..yeah ok i can do that. Im i spy." "One of the best" may said with a smile. " Crawford laughed "Only because of you and your training." "Crawford.." yoyo said busting into her room. "May... oh um the director wants you in his office agent. And uh may, simmons wants you in the lab."

Hey! Yeah ik i havent really posted and im sorry i just didnt really know how to rap this story up. Ik i left the misson unfinished bc i realized it would not be philinda-ish at all if i went on. If you want me to finish the misson or write ab the reactions from the teammates about may being olympias mom, just let me know. :)

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