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Hey!nightsisterkaris asked for this and i really wanted to write this so here you go! Sorry these past 'stories' havent really been filled with philinda fluff and i promise you'll get some soon!

It had been two months since the news broke and olympia was ok with it. She had grown up with may so it wasnt that different. Olympia walked around the corner to the main room. The halls felt like home and hearing people talk was like music to her ears. As olympia walked into the main room she spotted the director and yoyo talking. "I told you mack she seems different these past two months and im not the only one who has noticed." "Well its probably something in her personal life." "Yeah i guess thats it if you can call it that" olympia butted in as she walked up to the table. "Olympia? Do you have any answers to why may has been acting weird?" "May acting weird should be a big red flag yoyo. You guys have known her longer than i have and i noticed it before you." Yoyo gave her the annoyed-death glare that may usually would give her. Olympia laughed. "Im guessing you guys didnt look at the new recruitment files." "Why would i? Did you do something to one of the peoples files?" "No but you'll find answers in one of the files if you look close enough." olympia said walking out of the room, chuckling to herself.
-Later back in the main room-
"You figure out yet?" Olympia stated as she walked back jntk the main room. "No...but i did figure out that bobbi likes tofu." "Icky. Do you want me to tell you or at least give a hint. Cmon guys we're spies." Yoyo looked at her. "I.Want.A.Hint.Now." "Okay geez how about......."Olympia laughed to herself. "How bout you look at my file." Yoyo flipped over a couple files and mack stood behind her looking over her shoulder. "There isn't anything here i didnt see the first  time." "Look closer" olympia said as she placed herself right next to yoyo and pointed to the biology part of her file. "Oh dios mío, tienes que estar bromeandor!" Yoyo yelled as she ran around with the file. "Mack, no vas a creer que no solo manipularon el archivo, sino también a tus padres. ¿Tienes que ir a la cama a las 7:30?" Olympia stood there shocked that the small woman standing in front of her could say so many words so fast in so little of time. Yoyo turned to her. "¿Me estás diciendo que May es tu madre?" Mack looked at olympia with a confused look. "What does yoyo mean by saying may is your mother." "Look at the folder and you'll see. The only reason i let it slip is because mays not here." "Well im here now." May said as she walked into the room and to the table. "No puedo creerlo, no puedo creerlo, realmente sucedió!" Yoyo said now running around may, then mack, then the table, the around the room again. "I cant believe it." Yoyo turned to mack "Where's my thirty dollars you owe me." She said with a happy sneer on her face. "What do you mean thirty dollars. I dont owe you thirty dollars, nor do i owe anyone thirty dollars." "Yes you do you know that bet we made when daisy said they kissed and i said bet you thirty dollars they have sex? Now wheres my thirty dollars." "Woah woah slow down how do you know they had sex?" "There is literal proof standing right next to us turtle man. Now my thirty dollars..." yoyo said pointing to the file on the table. "Wait what? Yoyo what do you mean. Mack?" May looked to olympia."Olympia....." Olympia shrugged "i didnt say it i just pointed them in the right direction. Yoyo figured it out." All of a sudden daisy came running in. "I heard the words thirty dollars!" Yoyo squealed and pointed to the file for daisy to see. "Ha! Now you can collect your money from mack too!" Daisy grinned "I knew it!" She said as she turned around to may with a mischievous grin on her face. May just stood there, a blank expression on her face, still looking at olympia. "I will talk to you later." May hissed at olympia and walked out of the room as fitzsimmons walked in. "Whats going on in here?" We heard noise and may doesnt look happy." They looked around. Mack had a grumpy look on his face with daisy and yoyo grinning and squealing, in the middle of it was olympia with a smile on her face. "What happened?" Fitzsimmons said together. Then yoyo just screamed, "MAY AND COULSON HAD S-"

Hahahaha i left you on the edge! All i can imagine is fitz face being priceless, mouth opened, shocked expresson. Hope you enjoyed!!

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