So i had anxiety for no reason?!

170 1 5

I legit had a like 2 hour convo ab Sousa with someone JUST for me to have my worries not even be true .__.

SPOILERS FOR 7x03!!!!!

-Jemma dresses up as Peggy cAlLeD iT
-Coulson talking ab random crap was hilarious
-Coulson big fanboy
-Jemma realizing her mistake when talking to Daniel was fUNYY
-May why you almost pass out??
-Yoyo please get yo powers working again 🥺
-DANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you smexy mf
-the way they played the racism was well done
-Daisy being CIA love to see it
-the outfits 🥵 (but like Mack why the yellow)
-Coulson?? you doing good there?
-"or you will be probed" 😂😂😂
- danny you sly mf getting all fancy for your 'boo' lol


-Why you hurt Deke(?)
-Save danny at all costs 🥺
-Wait.... why he die in the first place?????? marvel explain

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