Forget Me Not

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Eight year old Katherine ran after Ben in the back yard, laughing and yelling without a care in the world. Five and Klaus followed close behind her, trying to catch up with their siblings. Kat's foot found purchase on a raised root, and she went skidding across the ground.

Ben, Klaus, and Five all stopped in their tracks, looking down at her in shock. Five was the firsg to react, kneeling beside her and helping her sit up. He saw a small place on her forehead, and her knees were skinned up. It was the first time she had ever really taken a tumble that resulted in more than bumping her head or knee, and her siblings were concerned to say the least.

Klaus gasped as he watched the wounds on her knees begin to magically heal. "What the heck?" He asked, watching with morbid curiosity.

Five expressed the same sentiment as he watched the wound on her face heal faster than any normal wound.

That was the first day Kat's power manifested itself.

The next occurrence was two weeks later when Diego accidentally cut himself on one of his knives during training. Grace had brought him upstairs to the kitchen, where Kat and Vanya sat together, reading a book at the table. They looked up to see Diego, clutching his fingers as Grace sat him down across from them. Kat immediately got up from her seat and ran around the table as Grace grabbed the medical equipment.

"Holy moly!" She exclaimed, seeing the amount of blood covering his hands and arms. She heard Grace approaching and turned to see her putting the medical kit on the table.

"I'll have to give you stitches, Diego. I'll numb you first so that it doesn't hurt." Mom informed him.

Diego's eyes grew wide. He hated needles.

"Here, I'll hold your hand and you can squeeze as tight as you need." Kat offered, holding her hand out for him.

He hesitated for a split second before taking her hand. She silently wished that his hand didn't need stitching up so that he didn't have to endure the needles.

"Oh my!" Grace exclaimed, looking at her son's hand. It was quickly healing, leaving behing no trace of a injury except for the obscene amount of blood that was now on both him and Kat.

Diego looked down in horror. "What the...?" He looked at Kat, then back at his hand. "Did you?"

She simply looked at him wide-eyed and nodded her head.


Kat's eyes snapped open and she gasped quietly at the pounding in her head. "Christ." She groaned quietly.

"Hey, hey. You alright there, K?" Ben asked.

She nodded her head. "I'll be fine." She looked over at Klaus, who's mouth was taped.

The door to the room slammed open, and Cha-Cha's voice rang out. "You idiot! "

"What?" Hazel asked in confusion.

"You didn't put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door!"

"I did! I know I- Shit!"

Footsteps hurriedly approached the closet before the doors swung open. "Oh, my God, theyre still here."

Hazel pulled Klaus out of the closet, and Cha-Cha pulled the chair to the center of the room as Hazel rather gently pulled Kat out. He noticed just how battered the girl looked and felt pity. Her smaller wounds had healed, but the knives remained in her and a few larger gashes hadn't healed yet.

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