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Kat, Diego, and Klaus ran to the car, their breath heaving as they slid in and closed the door. As Diego sped off, he looled in the rearview mirror at Kat, who was staring down at her hands in shock.

"What the hell was that, Kat?" He asked, still in shock.

"Yeah, what happened. Where did all that energy come from?" Klaus echoed, turning in his seat to look at her.

She looked up at them and shook her head. "I don't know. I could feel the energy in the room building up, and suddenly it was like I couldn't hold it in any longer." She explained.

Diego pulled into an alley and stopped the car, turning it off. He turned to look at Kat, his eyes full of concern. "Are you alright? "

She nod, looking into his eyes. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Just...confused."

He nod in understanding. He reached his hand back to hold hers tightly. "Everything is gonna be okay. We'll figure it out one step at a time."

"Hey, at least it happened at just the right time. You saved our asses in there." Klaus mused.

"Yeah, well, you're lucky I insisted we go in after you. Something told me you were gonna get yourself in trouble." Kat said, looking at her eccentric brother.

"You got a big mouth, you know that?" Diego said, looking at him with a small smirk.

"Oh, wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego." Klaus retorted. He pulled out a small bag of pills and began opening it.

"Everything's a big joke to you, right? Would you stop it?" Diego fussed, ripping the bag from Klaus's hands. "Why are you putting this shit in your body?"

"Check this out. Hm? My body is a temple. Kat treats her body like it's a well oiled machine. All that shit you do, it's just weakness." Diego informed him.

"Oh, wow, beautiful. Well, weakness feels so good." Klaus said, pulling out another baggie.

Kat leaned forward and smacked it out of his hands, wrestling with him. "What's goin' on with you? Huh? Tell me what happened when you were gone." She fussed.

"Don't hit me, Katherine!" He yelled.

"Don't tell me everything is all right, because I saw you in there. You were crying! You never cry unless it's something serious, so spill it Klaus." She said, her voice softening with each sentence.

"Because I lost someone!" He finally caved. "I lost someone. The only...The only person I've ever truly loved more than you and myself. Cheers." He said before leaning down to pick up the baggie, swallowing the contents of it.

"Well, you're luckier than most. When you lose someone, at least you can...see them whenever you want." Diego reasoned, his voice quiet and sad.

His mind flashed to seeing Kat covered in blood on the hotel floor. What would he have done if he had lost her? He never would have seen her again. Never would have held her in his arms and told her how much he loved her again. He would have never gotten the chance to give her the ring he had kept tucked in the pocket on his harness for the past two years. He looked back at her in the mirror to see her emerald eyes sparkling with tears. He knew that he had to step up soon. If they couldn't stop the apocalypse, he would make damn sure they went out with her knowing just how much she meant to him.

Through the mirror, he saw a man exit Griddy's donuts sat up straighter. "That's our man."

"Hey, I know that guy." Klaus said.

Kat's eyebrows scrunched as she looked back to see Hazel walking towards his car.

"How could you possibly know that--" Diego started.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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