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Be warned, this chapter is ridiculously short. I will hopefully put up another real chapter on Sunday, but this one was so light and fun so I thought there was no harm. Please enjoy, and remember I love you guys (:

Sunlight streamed through the window as I finished pouring the lemonade. The sound of children laughing streamed in from the other room. I silently thanked the Gods for the sunny day, saving me from dealing with 12 kids stuck in the house. The pink cupcakes on the table seemed like a time bomb, and I would be lying if I said he sugar rush of 12 kids didn't scare me. 


"Yeah, Baby?" I called back. 

"Daddy's back, he's outside." 

"Okay, thank you baby!" I called as I walked towards the side door, "Why don't you guys come get cupcakes while Mommy says hi to Daddy?"

Joyful shouts filled the house as I rushed outside. 

Leo and Aiden hopped out of the truck, carrying the grocery bags towards the house. Leo carried the cake box. They were both laughing and arguing about some kind of video game.

"Hey guys, how'd it go?"

"There was traffic out the ass." 

"I was worried we wouldn't get back in time." 

"Is she having fun?" They both ask at the same time. 


"Daddy! Unca!" 

"Speak of the Devil," I say with a laugh. 

I woke up with a start. 

"Oh dear God," I whispered, "Was it real?"

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