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~ ☂︎︎ ~

𝙄 𝙒𝙊𝙆𝙀 𝙐𝙋 𝘿𝙐𝙀 to the sun shining through the window. I blushed with the realization that Five still had his arm around my waist. I heard Five groan and his grip tightened. My blush darkened. I carefully pulled myself out of Five's grasp, and tiptoed out of the room to change my clothes. I sighed with the realization that I still only have uniforms. I began to change into another one, pulling on the skirt and socks. I had pulled the sleeves of the shirt on when the door opened. "AH!" I exclaimed trying to cover myself. I looked to see Five had walked in. "Oh!" He used his hands to cover his eyes. "S-Sorry (Y/N)!" he said turning around. Before he turned around, I noticed the blush on his face. I quickly buttoned up my shirt, fastening my tie and pulling on the blazer. "You can look now Five," I said tapping his shoulder. He turned around, a faint red color still dusting his cheeks.

"I just wanted to tell you that I wanted to go soon, but somewhere we we won't get caught. We can climb out of the fire escape," he explained. "Yeah, I'll be there," I said smiling. He slowly walked out the room and back into his across the hall. I sighed, looking around my old room, with its dark grey walls (which I personally requested) and black bed frame and a lighter grey spread. The only contrasting colors were from the posters that lined my walls. I admired the pictures of Journey, Queen, Earth, Wind, and Fire, and the Beasty Boys. While Allison liked those boy bands like NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and 98 Degrees, I preferred something other than boy bands. I walked across the hall and into Five's room. He had a duffle bag on his shoulder, most likely carrying Dolores and other supplies.

Five grabbed my hand and helped me out of the window, and then followed. We began to scale down the side, noticing Klaus digging through a dumpster. Five watched him dig through. "I'd ask what you're up to Klaus, but then it occurred to me, I don't care." I watched him continue to dig. "Seriously Klaus, What the fuck are you doing?" Klaus tutted at me. "Language missy, not in front of dear old Ben," he said, gesturing to and empty spot, which I could assume is where Ben sat. And then it happened. Ben appeared right in front of me. Holy shit! He wore a black leather jacket over a black sweatshirt.

I made sure not to say anything about Ben. "Klaus, how can you still see Ben if you're high?"

"I don't Eight, it just happens."

"Well that makes no fucking sense."


"Don't even start Klaus," Ben interrupts. I stare at him, wondering how I could see him. Do I have a new power?

"You guys know there are easier ways out of the house," Klaus said, still sitting in the dumpster. "Yeah, but this way required the least talking, or so I thought," Five said, walking over to a van. "Hey, hey. So, if you need any more company, I could uh, clear my schedule," Klaus suggested. "Looks like you got your hands full," I said, turning to follow Five. "No, no, no. I could do this whenever-" Klaus fell backwards into the trash. He popped back up. "I just misplaced something that's all-oh! Found it, thank god!" Klaus reappeared with and old half eaten doughnut. He took a bite, and I saw him try to hold back a gag. "Delicious," he mumbled with his mouth full. "We're done funding your drug habits, Klaus. See you later." With that, Five turned and continued to walk. I gave a small wave to Ben, whose eyes widened in surprise. He waved back. Well, that confirms my theory. I run after Five, trying to ignore Klaus's rambling in the background as Five starts up the van.

~ ☂︎︎ ~

𝙒𝙀 𝙋𝘼𝙍𝙆 𝘼𝘾𝙍𝙊𝙎𝙎 the street from the prosthetics place. Five pulled out Dolores. "Sorry you were in here for so long Dolores....No, I'm not drunk, I'm working....Yes it's about the eye thing. This is the place it was made, or will be made. We just have to wait." I give a small laugh at the exchange between Five and Dolores. "You really love that mannequin don't you?"

"Not as much as I love you."

Five seems to realize what came out of his mouth to late. "I-I mean I-I don't love D-Dolores, but I don't love you—I-I mean I do love you, but I-" I put a hand over his mouth to stop his rambling. I giggled and put my arms around his shoulders. "It's fine Five, I love you too." I was once again staring into his eyes. We both leaned in closer and closer. Our lips had barely touched when I heard a knock on the window. I sighed, turning around to face Luther. He gestured at us to roll the window down. Five sighed at him. "How did you find us?" I heard noise in the back of the van  and turned around to see Klaus.

"Hey babyyy. A little privacy guys, we're really hitting it off back here."

Five threw an empty can a Klaus who yelped in surprise. "Get out, you can't be here!" Five snaps. I grab his hand to calm him down. It always works. "Seriously, we're in the middle of something," I said, aiming my comment towards Klaus. "What, making out in a van? Ben was right, I should ship it!" I picked up another piece of garbage to throw at him. I turned to Luther. "What do you want?" I asked lazily. "We looked at the security footage and think Grace might have something to do with Dad's death." I can here the hope in his voice, seeing if we'll agree. Sadly for him, I won't. "We can't," Five says, speaking for the both of us. "But it's important," Luther insists. "Important? You don't even understand the concept of important," Five hissed at Lither in a threatening tone.

"Did I ever tell you guys about that time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding? It was so painful!"

Still facing Luther, I use my powers and move Klaus out of the van.  "What the hell are you two up to?" Luther asked. "Believe me, you wouldn't understand," Five said, giving Luther a serious look. "Try me, last I checked, I'm still the leader of this family."

"Last I checked I'm twenty-eight years older than you."

"You know what your problem is?" Lither asked. "No, but I'm sure you'll tell me," Five says. "You think you're better than us. You always have, even when we were kids. But the truth is you're just as messed up as the rest of us. We're all you have and you know it," Luther completes. "I don't think I'm better than you, Number One. I know I am." I snorted at this. Luther glared at me. "I've done unimaginable things you can't even comprehend, just to save all of you." Luther was about to say something when we heard a scream. Oh for fucks sa-

"HEY BITCHES!" Klaus screams, running away with various items in hand. He drops a few, almost getting hit a car. "I'm starting to wonder if kicking him out was the best decision."

Yes, Klaus is Steeb. And
would you look at that,
a new power. Wonder what
that means hmmmmmm.
Keep reading to find out

QOTD: Do you support the LGBTQ+ community? Are you apart of it?

AOTD: I live in a Christian household, but I've always supported LGBTQ+. I'm apart of the community, and I'm definitely still figuring out my sexuality. Boys are cute, but so are girls. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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