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Tin froze at the sight of Can. Can looked at Tin with bright eyes.

Can - Hi! You're that guy in detention.

Tin - er… yeah. (Feeling awkward.)

Can walked up to Tin.

Can - so what's up?

Tin - (handed him the wallet.) I found this outside.

Can - (soured his face at the wallet.) oh no… (took the wallet and look at it.) Thanks. I'll let my manager know.

Tin - (eyed the store) so um… you work here?

Can - yes.

The manager came out of the office.

Manager - Ai Can, ready for a break?

Can - (turned to his manager) yes! (Turned back to Tin and smiled) thanks, dude.

Out of the grocery store, Tin sat on the bench as Can walked to him with two cups of ramen.

Can - here. (Handed Tin a cup of ramen.)

Tin - (grabbed it but he just stared at it, not eating.) I don't eat this kind of food.

Can - too late. You grabbed it already. Haha. (Sat next to Tin.) The wallet that you found has a number inside of it so my manager did a call and a woman answered. She was so happy that you found her wallet. Thanks again, man…

Can starting to eat his ramen as Tin stared at him.

Can - (noticed him not eating.) Come on, try it. You'll love it.

Tin - what is your name?

That is completely out of topic but it made Can realized that they did not know each other names yet.

Can - (laughed) I can't believe I forgot to tell you my name. It's Can. What about you?

Tin - Tin.

Can - ahh… Tin. Nice name. (About to take another bite of his ramen but stop to do some thinking.) Tin? I think I heard your name before. (Finally, remember the name.) Tin! (Turned to him.) so you're that Tin? The richest student in our school?

Tin - (rolled his eyes) who do you think I am then?

Can - I thought Tin was a bastard.

Tin - what did you say? (Smashed his eyebrows together and glared at him.)

Can - (made a fake laugh) nothing, nothing at all. (Took a small bite of his ramen to hide his guilty face.)

Tin - (looked ahead) you must've heard rumors about me then; I AM a bastard like you said.

Can - (choked) Oyy… no no no… I didn't mean it like that. I just… you know… rumors. (“Come on! Think! Think of something else to say!”) Hey, you still teaching me how to do Mrs. Honey's assignment, right?

Tin - after knowing who I am, you still have the guts to ask me that? (Voice sounded a little irritated.)

Can - of course, why? Are you gonna kill me? Geez… (frowned)

Tin - I'm not smart. I cheat. People said I use money for answers.

Can noticed Tin feeling a bit emotional. There's a lot of rumor about Tin alright and Can wasn't sure what to believe. But rumors are just rumors.

Can - hey, if the rumors are not true, don't sweat it! You don't need to prove to the world who you really are. Rumors? They can flow around but in the end, the truth will always be the truth. Got that? (Friendly elbowed Tin and cause Tin to smile.) And I know you wouldn't use money for answers, you're a smart guy. That's why you need to be my study partner.

Tin stared at Can for a very long time. Somehow, he felt something he hasn't felt before...something warm and comforting. No one has ever said something so nice to him before. He always lives with the rumors and never really have real friends. Can was the first person who treated him like a real person and doesn't care about his identity. Is this what people call 'friendship?’

Tin - Fine, I will help you study.

Can - (happy) great! We're buddies now, alright!

End of flashback

Tin - the day when we first met...

Tin could see that Can was recalling the memories but his face tells no knowledge of what Tin was getting at.

Tin - We used to be friends, you led me on but then it was all just a lie wasn't it? Sincerity wasn't even a part of it at all. (Held onto Can's arms and jerked him so hard.) You pretended to be my friend; the one who says all the things that I have been wanting to hear. I trusted you with every word! But the truth was you used me to help you study! You used me for money!

Can - quit making things up! I did not use you for anything! I know how it feels to deal with false rumors around.

Tin - you don't know anything! (Jerked Can on the arms so hard.) You're just like your father whom greed for wealth!

In a split second, Can punched Tin on the side of his lips. Tin's face swung to the side, holding in the pain.

Can - you can talk about me all you want but do NOT speak of my dad. My dad is the world's nice person you can ever imagine! While all these disgusting rumors about him going on, you know what he does? He forgave every person who started these rumors cuz all he cares about is loving my stepmom! That is what matters the most!

Tin just stood there, speechless…

Can - Tin, I feel you, I really do. But if you judge me by what other people say about me then we don't have to be friends. In fact, we're not even friends anymore anyway. So just live your life and I'll live mine.

Can made his way passed Tin and this time… Tin didn't stop him.

(TinCan) I Hate U.Where stories live. Discover now