mindset (goodbye)

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Tin - why are you doing this to me?

Can's eyes shook and shown a bit of confusion.

Can - err... Tin, I...

Tin - you don't care about my heart at all, do you?

Can's heart began to race.

Tin - you keep doing this to me and you know, it's tearing me apart.

Can didn't expect Tin feelings for him to be this serious. He shook his head and looked at Tin in concern.

Can - I... I didn't mean to. (Slowly let go of his wrist.) I'm sorry.

Some part of Tin didn't want Can to let go, but it tells him what Can really feel about him. He only thinks of him as a friend, nothing more than that.

A few seconds later, Tin turned Can around and pushed him to keep up with the line as the line started to move.

Can took a couple of steps towards the line and turned back to Tin just to have Tin send him back to look forward. Can shut his eyes tight in frustration.

Can - Tin. (Clenched his teeth as he talks) I said I'm sorry.

Tin - I heard you.

Can turned his head to the side when he heard Tin's soft voice. His heart burned like fire. He would do anything just to see Tin's face when he speaks. Why would Tin not let him?

Tin - I forgive you.

They reached the officer who took the ticket from Can's fingers and scanned the barcode.

Tin - also Can...I'm sorry too.

Can's eyes turned nervous all of it sudden. He quickly turned to look at Tin in the eyes and found his eyes looking back.

In Tin's eyes...there were tears.

Before Can could react, the officer spoke, more like screaming.

Officer - Krung Thep, to your left!

Can was shifted to his left by some of the guards. He waited for Tin at where he stood as his eyes have not left him.

The officer scanned Tin's ticket.

Officer - Chiang Mai, to your right!

Notes: Chiang Mai, a city in Thailand.

Can's heart dropped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Can - Chiang Mai? (Widen his eyes at the officer and to Tin.)

Without hesitation, Tin moved to his right.

Can - No wait! (Walked panicky to the officer) officer, there must be a mistake. (Eyed Tin as Tin kept walking without looking back) Tin, stop!

Can move passed the officer when the guards quickly grabbed hold on him.

Officer - young man, your boat is this way.

Can - (struggled from the hold) No! That guy over there! (Pointed at Tin) he supposed to go with me! We were supposed to go together!

Officer - eh? (Looked at Tin and back at his ticket) no, it says here: Chiang Mai. Yours says Krung Thep.

Can - No! That's not true!! (Looked at Tin who was still walking away) Tin! Stop! Don't you dare take another step!!

Tin stopped walking, breathing an exasperated sigh out of his mouth. He knew this was coming. Can was not going to let him go peacefully.

Can - Tin! What the hell did you do?! Why, Tin? (Anger started to rise inside of him because Tin didn't turned back to look at him.) Look at me dammit! Tin, look at me!

The guard pushed Can back but he kept on resistance.

Can - Tin, you can't do this to me, man! (Feeling choked up) Please... come back.

It is painful for Tin as he stood there in silence. If he looks back at Can, he might not be able to let everything go. His mind is set on going and he cannot stop now.

Tin - Go home, Can. For now on, forget about me.

Can - No, Tin! I can't! Didn't I told you a while back, that we will go home together! I can't go home without you!

Tin - Yes, you can. Just go.

Can - (tried to push past the guards) you can't just do this! Tin, please. I told you already...that I will help you. Please...

Tin - I won't go back.

Can - okay fine! (Shouted out) we are not going home. We will stay here. As long as you want! As long as you are happy! Okay?

Tin - (smiled at how Can tried so hard to make him stay) thank you, Can. But it's best this way.

Can shook his head in refusal. He clenched his shaking fist while trying so hard to hold back his tears. His chest tightens in pain, fear of losing Tin.

Can - listen to me, Tin... don't go.

After that, Can see Tin's shoulders loosen from a sigh. Then Tin began to move forward, further from Can.

The sight of Tin walking away from Can made Can threw his whole body forward, freeing himself from the guards. He ran recklessly towards Tin and wrapped his arms around him firmly.

Tin's eyes widen in shock as he looked down to see Can's arm locked him tightly.

Can - Tin! (Choked) just...just stop! I--I need more time. I really do. So please don't leave me... (sobbed as his eyes squeezed out tears.)

Tin tried all cause to block his emotions toward Can. He swallowed and took a deep breath.

Tin - Can... can't I be happy for once?

Can's eyes froze like a knife stabbing him in the heart, so unexpected and painful. It made him speechless and numb at the same time.

Tin untied Can's hands forcefully and Can finally lose grip of his own fingers.

Tin - A friend should let the other friend be happy. Am I right?

Can - Tin...

That's all Can could utter out.

Tin - goodbye.

Tin walked towards the boat, leaving Can stand by himself. And this time, Tin made sure to walk faster.

The guards grabbed onto Can and dragged him away.

(TinCan) I Hate U.Where stories live. Discover now