always Can

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The person standing right in front of him, protecting him from his father...was Can. How?

Mr. Vich was inflamed as he stared down at the young man.

Mr. Vich - who the hell are you, kid? If I were you, I would stay away. This is family business, you shouldn't get involved!

Can - it was too disgusting to watch! How could I not get involved! What kind of dad are you? You shouldn't treat your own child like this. It's wrong!

Mr. Vich - (eyed Tin) who is this kid? Don't tell me you're friends with this low life!?

Tin ignored his father and grabbed onto Can's wrist.

Can struggled to get free as his eyes are still stuck to Mr. Vich.

Can - I just stopped you from being a murderer! You should be thankful! Oy... (getting himself dragged by Tin.) Tin, let go! Your dad needs a bit of my lesson!

Mr. Vich - Tin! Take this ghetto kid away!

Can - (shook his head in unbelievable.) I can't believe I am seeing this from a well-educated man! Not just any man, but a father! And seeing him beating his own child with full force, I can't help it but feel very very sad and disappointed! What a shame! You hear me! What a shame!

Mr. Vich was completely outraged. So furious to the point that his veins on his forehead almost seem like they are about to pop out of his skin.

Tin quickly speed up his pace, dragging Can out of there as fast as he could.

Tin - let's go, Can.

Tin dragged Can until they reached the road then Can finally stopped struggling. Tin didn't let go of Can until they walked far enough where his dad wasn't able to see them.

Can - Ai Tin! Your father is a psycho! Why is he like that? Huh?

They finally came into a stopping point. Tin pushed Can a little to the street and gestured him to go.

Tin - go home.

But Can was determined. He was not going anywhere after what he witnessed.

Can - and let you go back to that monster?! No!

Tin - I said go!

Can - (rushed to grab Tin's wrist) Tin! He'll kill you!

Tin - no, he's not. He's my dad.

Can - (still determined) but he has a bat!

Tin - so what!? (Yanked his wrist away from Can's hold.) He's has been beating me with that thing throughout my life! I'm used to it now! Just go!

Can couldn't take this anymore. Used to it? Tin said he's used to being beaten like that. How could a human being get used to something so horrible? Can couldn't imagine himself living a life like that at all.

Can - eh?! (Pushed Tin) are you nuts?!

The push made Tin fell straight to the ground, grunting in pain. The injuries that his father gave him was still there.

Can - (shocked) oh? Tin! (Knelt down beside Tin.) Are you okay? I'm sorry. Here let me help you.

Can grabbed onto Tin's arm and put it around his shoulder. He used all his might to lift Tin's doll body up.

Can - let's go to the place where the grocery store is at. It just around the corner. There's a place where you can rest.

Tin didn't want to argue so he just let Can do what he wants.

Throughout the walking, Tin kept staring at Can who's attention was on the road, looking out for cars as they crossed the street.
It's always Can... always him... no one else... but him. If this keeps going, how could Tin forget about him even if he have to?

When they reached the place where they can see the store, Can set Tin down on a bench.

Can - (worried) where does it hurt?

Tin - (looked away like a stubborn kid) nowhere.

Can - (frowned) Ai Tin... (looked around) wait here okay?

As Can was about to leave, Tin grabbed onto his wrist.

Tin - where are you going?

Can - I'll get you some water.

Tin - (shook his head) no. Sit down.

Tin pulled Can to sit next to him.

Can - are you sure you don't want any water?

Tin stared at Can who's wearing his work clothes.

Tin - why did you showed up at my house? don't you have work?

Can finally remember as he quickly looked at his watch. It's 4:54 P.M.

Can - oh shoot! I'm about to be late!

Tin - (sighed annoyingly) such a workaholic.

Can - (pointed angrily at Tin) it's your fault!

Tin shot Can a stunning look.

Can - you texted me to come here cuz you have something you wanted to tell me! I waited for you for almost 30 minutes and you didn't show up. You fooled me, didn't you? While I was walking away I saw you in Larry's car driving to your house!

Tin - (confused) Wait, you said I texted you?

Can - well duh... who am I yelling at right now? (Rolled his eyes and stood up)

Tin held onto Can in the arm.

Can - let go, I need to make a quick call to my manager.

Tin - Can, I didn't text you.

Can - (turn to Tin) what?

Can could tell that Tin was not joking. If Tin didn't text him, then who?

************author's note*************
Sorry! Cliffhanger is a MUST!

(TinCan) I Hate U.Where stories live. Discover now