gift for you

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Mrs. Fah came down the stairs after knowing that Larry was fast asleep. It was quite a mess when they got inside Larry's room using the key. Larry was shaking in fear, not wanting to talk to anyone. All he does was yelling for them to get out. There's no explanation of why he's acting this way.

Mrs. Fah came to sit on the sofa while Mr. Fah was trying to reach Can all day on his phone.

Mrs. Fah - is he still not answering?

Mr. Fah - (shook his head) this is weird. Can always answer his phone. He never puts it on silence or turns off.

Mrs. Fah - maybe he's just busy.

Mr. Fah - I called his workplace too but his manager said he didn't show up to work yesterday. Something has to be up. Otherwise, Larry wouldn't be acting this way.

Mrs. Fah - (something caught her mind) maybe, they got into another big fight.

Mr. Fah - it could be... I'm going to Can's house. I'll be back okay.

Mrs. Fah - do you want me to come too?

Mr. Fah - (shook his head) you stay with Larry.

Then off Mr. Fah to Can's house.


The waves started to loosen down a little as the sun was still high up in the sky. The two bodies were laying on the ocean shore, one was facing the sky as the other was facing on the wet sand. A bigger wave struck them and woke the person who was facing down as it almost drowns him.

Tin - (coughed and sat up quickly.) Oyy...

Tin brushed the wet sands off of his face with his sleeve while taking a gathering around the unfamiliar place. Then his eyes caught Can who was still unconscious, laying a few feets away from him. Panic spread across his face as he quickly crawled to Can and shook him with force.

Tin - Can! Wake up! Can!

Can didn't budge at all. He didn't seem to be breathing either. As scared as Tin was, he couldn't think straight. He called Can again while shaking him, but nothing happens. Without thinking he pressed his mouth onto Can's and giving it two rescue breaths. He lifted up and pressed his heel of his hand to Can's chest and then the other on top. He pressed it five times and back to giving some more rescue breaths. Then Can coughs immediately while Tin raised up with a sigh of relief.

Tin - Can! You're awake!

Can pushed Tin away as he rolled over to cough all the salty water out of his mouth.

Can - arrggg! (Finally can breathe again.) What the?! So salty!

Tin pulled Can into a sit as Can was confused to why Tin grips him so hard. Tin's eyes were just scanning Can everywhere on his face to see if he is actually awake and alive.

Can - Tin?

Tin was so happy to hear Can calling his name. He let out a sigh while placing his forehead on Can's shoulder.

Tin - I thought I lost you...

Can - how did I?...(looked around to see they're on the shoreline.) I survived?

Tin's face turned angry, remembering everything when they were still in the water. He pushed Can so hard, Can fell back and hit the sand. He groaned in pain.

Tin - how could you, Can?! Why did you lie? Huh?

Can - oooyyyy... (slowly sat up.) What?

Tin - you...


Night. 11:00 P.M.

Tin and Can were inside a motorboat. Their hands were tied to their backs as it starting to feel numb due to the tightness. They have been in the moving boat for at least four hours now. They knew that they won't be able to escape because they did try to fight at first and it didn't go well. The boat stopped in the middle of the ocean and five gangs confronted them with two huge rocks. They threw the rocks to Tin and Can but it didn't hit them. They threw it just to scare them.

(TinCan) I Hate U.Where stories live. Discover now