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"Babe where's my chucks with the pizza on it?" I ran frantically across the room searching for my things. I didnt want to go looking a mess I wanted to flex on these bitches.

"Aj why are you trying so hard to impress these phony's I dont even know why we agreed but what the hell"

"Baby please can we just take a breather?" Paige grabbed my hand kissing my forehead. "Sure, Im hungry can you go downtown and mabye get us some breakfast" I said packing my bathing suite into a small "Love bites" duffle bag.

"Sure babe" I loved it when she spoiled me. And I loved that we were happy together. Nothing could ever break us apart.

Once i heard the door close I found my shoes slipping them on and looking into the mirror. My boobs popped out a little showing cleavage.

I tugged on my shorts applying make up. "Im so baby" I winked in the mirror and heard Paige's phone ring. "Did she really leave her phone" I picked it up and the caller Id read 'Corey'

I answered it clearing my throat. "..Hello?"

"Paige, Um hey I just wanted to remind you that the party starts in 2 hours as all"

"U-Um thanks for reminding me..we'll be there soon"

"We?...Oh yea Aj's coming along too Im glad that we could put this all behind"

"Uh right well see ya" I hung up immediately. "Ew I talked to him" My eye twitched a little and I smiled pursing my lips. "Great..I have to be nice


I walked out to my car parked in the front headed back home. I crunk up about to leave when ..she stopped infront of my car.

"Paige! what a coincidence seeing you here" Jojo stopped infront of my car with a pink box of cupcakes in her hand. I gave her a fake smile unbuckling my seatbelt and rolling down the window.

"Uh hi"

"Look I know this was supposed to be said at the house party but im truly sorry about the things that me and my friends put you through about you and Aj it was all childish and petty"

"Yea well I'll just have to see that for myself" "Uh well I better get back to the house and help set up see you there"

"Right" I could have hit her while she was walking away but I had self control.

2 hours later April and Paige are in the car on their way to Jojo and Corey's house party when Aj breaks the ice cold silence.

"You had left your phone home got a call"

"From who?"

"It was Corey...but it wasnt anything bad he just gave a reminder that the party was starting soon so there's no big deal"

"You answered my phone?" Paige scowled " there a problem?"

"No I...nothing ..Can you check the address and make sure this is the right street" "Am I allowed to use your phone?"

"Aj not now please, never mind this seems to be it" She unbuckled her seat belt while Aj sat still. "Hey, come one..dont worry I'll be by your side" Aj sucked her teeth getting out with her hair blowing in the wind.

Paige grabbed her hand and walked to the front door. She knocked twice loudly but the music was so loud that they doubt anybody heard. Finally a very unattractive Summer rae opened the door. "Oh ..I didnt know you guys where coming but come on in" She fake smiled at the couple and they entered.


They're house was really embellished I was kind of attentive and I could tell that Aj was insecure already. "Paige Aj hi come on out back that's where everyone is"

I squeezed Aj's hand and we made It out back getting all the stares. "Guys this is Paige and Aj two of my coworkers" Jojo introduced us to some people we've never seen before in our lives.

"Hi" Aj waved moving a string of hair out of her face. "Hey there !" Corey approached us his body soaking wet Im guessing he just got out of the pool.

"Glad you guys made it Foods in the front room, pool, enjoy yourselves" He winked walking back into the house. "Im not a child you can let go of my hand now babe"

"I just dont wanna lose you"

"Im gonna go get my bag out of the car" Aj walked away from my side. I just hope she wont do that foreal. Because...I love her.

"Im back" I hadnt noticed how long I was standing there staring into space. "Oh" I whistled looking Aj in down  in a bikini.

"You look-"

"Astonishing, Amazing, Sexy, Attracting, Hot? I know thank you" She flipped her hair over her shoulder and getting into the pool, leaving me astonished.

"Paige i'd like to sit down and talk with you" Corey said coming up behind me with two red cups in his hand. "Uh sure I thought you and Jojo wanted to pro-"

"Thats not what im talking about follow me" I took a sip out of the cup he gave me and sat It down on the table following him to the side of the house

"Whats up?" I asked and he got  little too close to me. I backed up a little and he gave me a dirty look. "Corey!?"


I sat on the edge of the pool waiting for Paige, She just disappeared and I was surrounded by a bunch of bitches I didnt trust. "Hey Aj over here" I squeezed out my hair looking over at Jojo who waved me over

Should I wait for Paige or just go, fuck it

I swam over to the group of Nxt girls and it seemed as if they welcomed me with open arms


"Corey please stop!!"I begged and cried for him to let me go but all he did was hurt me and kiss me more.

"Shut up and take it Paige you know you love it "


"So how are you and Paige doing "

"Were good" The conversation was akward for a while. "So how are you guys handling the crisis?"

"The what?"

"The relationship crisis Paige said you guys where having?....Oh...she didnt tell you?!" Now I was confused and annoyed and twitchy and where the hell was paige.

I shook my head getting out of the pool wrapping a towel around my waist.

"Hey corey have you seen Paige?"

"Oh yea I think she headed towards her car, she didnt look so good" I thanked him walking to the front of the house where our car was parked

She was sitting in the back seat in a fetal position like she saw a ghost or some shit. I opened the door to the passenger side. "Where the hell did you !?!"

She stayed silent staring into space


She stayed silent

"You alright?" She looked up at me.

"..I-i...Im ok" She climbed in the front seat and swerved off before I barely got to close the door. "Paige what happened back there!?!.....HUH!?"

"NOTHING OK!!..lets just forget we ever came here"

I gave her a look..where they lying? was she lying?

What happened..

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