All Is Fair

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We know full well there's just time
So is it wrong to toss this line?
If your heart was full of love
Could you give it up?

'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special

Aj licked her lips and swallowed. Her mouth was dry and chap. She hadn't said a word to anybody but Paige. Today was the day she'd go back to New Jersey and start a brand new life with Paige. The Authority won. They got what they wanted. I hope Corey has a great time in jail..where he'll learn how it feels to know.


I've decided to write you this letter that you can only open when we are old and wrinkly lesbians. The happy times we spent in our life was worth it. The laughter, The sex, the pain, The hatred we been put through..but we dealt with it and moved on with every second of our lives. You are the strongest most beautiful-est person I know. When I see you my heart pounds, I get butterflies and my palms sweat. Oh boy and when I kiss's magical. I've never met anybody with soft skin like you. And a personality that we can share. Who'd ever expect Aj lee to be writing all this huh? But i mean it when I say all of this comes from the heart....Gosh your soo beautiful... I can never see life without you.


Don't give me up
Don't give...
Me up


How unfair, it's just our love
Found something real that's out of touch
But if you'd searched the whole wide world
Would you dare to let it go?

'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special



Inside..I couldn't bear the fact of knowing that I was dying slowly of a disease I didn't deserve. But you know ..nothing in life is fair. I still don't believe the term 'All is fair in Love and War

Love should be nothing like this. I shouldn't be suffering. Just when i thought, just when I thought the storm was over, a hurricane came.

I love you Aj..with all my heart, lord knows how much i want to spend the rest of my life with you and live with you in New Jersey. But I feel as don't need to be overwhelmed with me and my sickness.

Corey and Jojo are both very evil people, But lord have mercy on their soul.

Aj would be over any minute now to get me. I had all of my things packed up and ready to go. But at the moment I wanted my life to end drastically.

I gripped the bottom of my white dress. My stomach stung in pain. I fell to my knees weeping uncontrollably. "I need to end this madness" I cried

I managed to get back up on my feet and look down over my balcony. The city filled with streetcars. People walking around happily, couples holding hands. I grabbed a piece of printing paper and a pen writing down my every thought and feeling.


My tears are all for you, I love you April Jeanette Mendez i do, You give me so much energy and life. But, I feel as if you are better off without me baby girl, I just want you to be happy. I will always love you and always remember you Aj. Til we meet again love.


I never wrote a suicide note before. I tucked it into a vase of yellow flowers that sat on the table. The only thing left in my empty apartment. I took a gulp reflecting over life. I thought about how i was gonna get this over with.

The wind blew from the open balcony. I looked down over the balcony. There was a cafe below the apartments. These peoples dinner shall be ruined because im going for a fall.


The driver opened the door for Aj and she got out. She thanked the man making her way into the lobby and up to Paige's room door. She was anxious to see her so she paced to get there.

Once she made it her door was cracked open and she felt the chilly breeze coming from the inside.She pushed the door open walking inside. The sound of her feet echoing through the living room.

"Paige?" She scanned the rooms and her knees got weak when she saw Paige standing on the edge of her balcony. Arms wide and free ready to jump. "NO! PAIGE GET DOWN NOW GET DOWN NOW! She baffled with the lock on the sliding door. Panicking her hands where shaking she barely got the door open. But she finally managed to bust it open.

"DONT! take another step Aj" Paige said calmly with her eyes closed. "Paige get down right now get down RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

"Dont try t and stop me we both know our lives wont be the same Aj"

"That's why we are gonna start over baby come on come down" Paige turned around facing Aj. She looked at the tears welled in her eyes and realized how much she needed her, how much they needed to stay together.

Paige started to reach for her hands but her foot slipped making her loose her balance and fall. "NOOO!"

Don't give me up
Don't give...
Me up

 Now if your thinking that this is going to end, without them being together, your wrong

Aj jumped behind her.

Paige blowing a kiss before their landing.

..Aj landed ontop of Paige, their heads smashed into the ground

Here we are another story about two star-crossed, ill- fated lovers, When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, no one can ever tear them apart. Falling in love is like jumping off a really tall building. Your brain tells you it is not a good idea, but your heart tells you, you can fly.

In other words, I hope you find what your looking for, Because all is fair ..

in Love and War

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