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Harley~chan: HELLOOOOOOO to my beautiful cherry blossoms first of all I wanted to say how much I missed all of y'all and secondly I am so thankful you guys liked everlasting so much.

With that being said I decided to write a sequel to it now this sequel is about mainly the new generation with exceptions of some possible addition of OCs. So for those who haven't read Everlasting (sasusaku) which is the story of Sasuke and Sakura it's okay. But if you do want to read it go ahead then hope you'll enjoy it.

And one last thing before we begin. I am currently having major internet issues so me updating is going to be uhhhh up in flames for a while... especially since my school is starting soon and I have to study study study😑 buuuut I'm going to do what's in my powers to keep this book running.

Now enough rambling and on to the prologue...

They called him reckless
They called her pain

They called him crazy
He made her insane

They said he's different
Yet she's always there to play

What no one expected occurred one day hatred became rivalry, rivalry became friendship, friendship became love.

For who would have guessed that the Uchiha princess would ever fall for the Hokage's son.

The Konoha 10 are now all grown up and have lives of their own. Now it's time for their kids to face the many challenges of life. Will they be successful in learning the lessons they need to survive or will they fail and run for their lives when the time comes...

"Who are we trying to fool you are just going to leave me like the rest when time comes. Everyone leaves eventually no matter how much you mean to them they'll still leave!" I shouted at my rival

"I'm not and you know that. I know the pain Sarada and I'm not going to leave you I'm not going to hurt you. How could I when all I want to do is to protect you?" He said in a soothing voice.

He walks up to me slowly but surely until we're face to face. Reaching his hand to my cheek he whips away my tears.

My gaze fixes on his eyes and instantly I know what I'm going to say next may sound vulnerable but I didn't care.

"Promise me?" I said in barley a whisper. He looks at me with a small smile before answering.

"I promise."

Now really on to the prologue...

Sarada's P.O.V
I was walking through the park on my way to aunt Hana's house when I saw him. He and I go WAY back especially since our parents are best friends he drives me nuts and sometimes I wish I could just strangle him.

"Hey Sarada up for a game of ball or are you too scared?" He smirks while he spins the soccer ball on his index finger. His long messy blond hair falling in front of his deep ocean blue eyes. His smirk slowly turns to a grin causing my eyes to lose focus from his eyes to focus on the whisker like marks on his face.

"You know very well I'm not afraid of any thing you will ever suggest Boruto but unfortunately for you  I can't. I have to meet aunt Hana." I continue walking not caring if he looked mad, confused or didn't care at all.

It's always been this way for me and Boruto we can't stand each other and recently our main goal is to be better then the other. That is the only relationship we have between us. Don't ask me how this happened or why because honestly I don't even know it's just how its been.

"Well your loss I guess I'll have to kick your butt at soccer tomorrow." He says and even if I'm facing away from him I can hear the smirk in that sentence.

Tomorrow...depends how you look at it. Tomorrow is a day that actually never comes because by the time it arrives it's already today and there's a new tomorrow to be looking for but then when that tomorrow arrives it's today again and the cycle goes on. But the tomorrow he's talking about is the first day of high school for all of us.

I stop in my tracks and turn to face him with the classic Uchiha smirk. "Not if I beat you first." And with that I continue walking the path I know by heart.

Alriggght then that's all for now I'm hoping that you guys will enjoy this book as much as the last and a few needed details for those who haven't read everlasting...

Hana(my OC)is Sakura's younger sister.

Kiba has a wife named Selena (my OC) they have a daughter named Nicole who has Kiba's brownish black hair and Selena's green eyes.

And Ino and Shikamaru are together as well as Tenten and Gaara.

Tenten and Gaara have a daughter by the name of Tenru she has Gaara's fire-y red hair and Tentens's brown eyes. She and Shinki are siblings.

Edit!!!!: I have already stated this in the Explanation chapter but thought I'd explain it here as well. The reason that I placed this paring is that I wanted the new generation to be based of the old generation which is in Everlasting. In Everlasting the pairings were made and I wanted to continue by that. I'm aware that for some of you it may be weird but fanfics and books tend to go through their own style to make them a little different from the anime/movie or else it would be a biography of some sort.

I hope that now you guys know why I did the pairing you'll understand. Quite frankly the old generation doesn't appear much because this book is about the new generation I just wanted to let you guys know about the pairings so you wouldn't be confused.

All of the characters in this book as in Sarada, Boruto, Mitsuki and so on are 16-17 years old

I do not own any of the characters except the ones that I state are my own. The rest belong to the wonderful creator of the anime Naruto and Boruto, Kishimoto.

This book along with the previous books plot is different from the anime it more modern.

So just incase of this book getting published the names will indeed be changed although the story plot is the same.

However that's just a circumstance in the publishing world and does not state for the book changing here on wattpad.

This is indeed a fanfiction.

All rights reserved. I do not own any videos or pictures in this book unless I state that I own them.

Please do not steal my ideas I believe we all have what it takes to write something not only we love but others love as well.

That's all I love y'all and till we meet again.

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