Chapter 32

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Sarada's P.O.V

"Kina over here!" I wave at my friend as she runs up to me, "What happened? Are you okay?" I ask and she nods, "I'm fine but those two are a couple of cheating skanks! We had the box first but  Rachel pushed us to the ground and got the box! Didn't you see?" I clench my fists as my friends grit their teeth.

"No the cameras went off in that exact moment. I think they're up to something." We all agree, "Okay so here's the plan, no matter whichever of us wins it has to be us." Ru explains and we agree.

"So we're going to have each other's backs, meanwhile Kina I would ask you to go see what they're up to but I don't want you to go alone." After a few minutes of thinking Ino and Hima said that they'll go with her causing them to be disqualified by not showing up to the next round.

"You two sure?" Boruto asks and they nod. With one last sigh he gives his sister a hug, "Be careful," he then turns to Ino and says, "You better take care of both of them okay Ino?" 

"You bet," And they run off, opening the boxes in our hands we each get the same identical clue, Head on to the icy show where the wind howls with a mighty blow, you'll have to spot me in the snow if you want to win this fantastic show!

Weird. "Well, I guess we need to head on towards the iced-up lake," Nikki suggests and not long after we reach the lake we look around the beautiful scenery, mounds of snow everywhere, the frozen lake glittering under the sun it was absolutely beautiful.

Splitting up we each go to the piles of snow and try to find the thing our clues were hinting at . Digging around quickly I suddenly yelp and pull my finger away. "Sarada what's wrong you okay?" Boruto runs up to me with a concerned look.

"I'm fine just..." I trail of looking at my bleeding finger, the droplets of bright red blood falling onto the white snow causing a pink stain.

"Let me see," he gently looks at my finger before grabbing a bandage from his pocket. I chuckle inwardly, he has always carried bandages around ever since that day I fell off the swings when we were eight and skinned my knees pretty badly. We couldn't find bandages anywhere so I had to deal with the pain till we got home.

He wraps my finger with the bandage and kisses it better, smiling I kiss his cheek as a sign of thank you.

And we both look towards the hole I digged to see two pairs of blades. Confused we slowly take them out of the snow and see that they were ice skates. "So this round can either be an ice race or an ice dance." He says and I nod. We put the skates on and soon enough our friends join us with their skates.

"Alright, every team get to the ice lake if you haven't already!" The vice-principal announces and we soon notice our classmates all around us.

I realize that Sumire and Rachel got their skates too and once they reached the starting line the principal started to explain.

"Alright so for this round one person of each team will start they will each be handed a baton in different colors their goal is to skate as fast as they can and reach their teammate giving them the baton. The first team that reaches the finish line wins."

Boruto and I got the red baton after agreeing that he will start and I will finish we hug each other good luck and go on to our positions.

Soon the air pistol is fired and the first three teams that won the last round start five seconds earlier. Come on you guys. I see Boruto catching some speed with Rachel on his tail but he doesn't stop.

Skating so fast that the lake starts to gain a few cracks he reaches second place first being Mitsuki.

Both boys hand the batons to me and Cho and we are off. I can sense Sumire behind us and that puts my determination to overdrive.

I hear a scream and turn around to see Nikki on the ground as Sumire passes her with a nasty grin, "NIKKI!" Shinki and I call after her, "I'm fine! GO SARA SHOW THAT WANNABE!" I nod and look back to the finish line only a few meters away.

Soon Sumire is beside me and tries to knock me off my balance which works I tumble a bit but regain my balance and skate faster then I ever could but she was almost there and I was still behind.

"Sara! Take our hand we'll slingshot you!" Ru and Cho say in sync as they each grab ahold of my hand and we spin around supersonically.

They let go and I bend my knees for more velocity. I pass an angry Sumire and reach the finish line.

I turn around to my friends cheering and Sumire with a wicked grin. She stomps her skate blade into the ice cracking it. And as soon as the crack formed I fell.

Boruto's P.O.V

"That's my girl!" I cheer loudly as she finishes the race with a smile but I notice something. Sumire stabs her skate blade into the ice and Sarada falls down.

I freeze for a moment before I get my senses back into order. "SARADAAAAA!" I scream and skate as if my life depends on it. I reach the hole and take my skates off before jumping in.

I look around the murky freezing water and my heart skipped a beat once I saw her raven hair. I grab ahold of her wrist and pull her close to my chest before getting back up to the hole.

I gasp and let the cold air stab my lungs, climbing out of the hole I place her shivering body on my lap resting her cheek on my shoulder.

Placing my lips on her I start giving her CPR and warming her up. I relaxed when I heard her cough and open her eyes.

"Boruto?" I hug her tighter, "It's okay princess you're safe now."

You're safe...

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