Chapter 20

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Sarada's P.O.V
I snuggle even closer to the warmth of my pillow going even deeper into dreamland. Suddenly I realized something since when did my pillow become so comfy? This is too good to be true.

I groan in annoyance and decide to sleep anyways, and I almost did so before I felt something, no someone playing with my hair. Mmmm feels so good.

I slowly open my eyes even though I really didn't want to, to see Boruto with his eyes closed holding me tightly to his side, while he plays with my hair.

I smile softly at the thought of him actually staying. My thoughts linger to last night.


He slammed the door open his breath heavy, his face drained of all energy it looked like he hasn't had any sleep in days.

"Hey B.." I give him a sleepy smile, he runs up to me and hugs me tightly before whispering "You're okay." I play with his hair and reassure him that I am okay.

The nurse tells us that I'll be able to go home tomorrow but that's all I heard. My focus was directed to the girl with lilac hair who was giving me a look of hatred? Jealousy? I'm not sure but it was clear that she didn't like me. Wait could that be...Sumire?

"I missed you so much." He mumbles in the crook of her neck making me chuckle, "I missed you too baka."

"I think Sarada needs her rest don't you think?" She says in an annoyed tone. Boruto nods and kisses my cheek, "Get some rest okay?"

He was about to walk away when I decided that the next thing I'm gonna do maybe selfish seeing as his ex-girlfriend who he was very close with is here but I really want him to stay.

I grab ahold of his hand making him stop in his tracks, he looks down at me and I shakily whisper three words that had much more meaning in them besides the situation at hand, "Don't leave me."

He gives me a small smile and sits beside me, tugging a strand of my hair behind my ears.

"I'll never leave you, princess." I feel my heart flutter at his words as I give him a petite smile and lay my head on his chest slowly drifting asleep at the beat of his heart.....

End of Flashback

I come back to reality and notice that Boruto is now snuggled up in the crook of my neck with his hands on my waist as if he's protecting me from harm's way.

I felt something at that moment, I felt safe. Like nothing in the world is ever going to hurt me, like no bullet will ever reach me again.

I liked this feeling it was warm and fuzzy and just...nice. I snap back to reality as I hear the door slowly open I quickly pretend to be sleep not wanting anything to ruin this moment.

Through my dark lashes, I made out four figures walking in, opening my eyes a little more I recognize them to be none other than both mine and Boruto's parents.

My dad turns to look at me and I quickly shut my eyes once again. "Thank goodness they're both safe." My mom lets out a sigh of relief. However, she sounded so exhausted and drained.

"Yeah, and I believe that they'll be just fine now that Karin and her little group are in jail." Aunty Hina walks up and gives my mom a hug. At least I think she did.

"It helps to know that they're there for each other and out of that rivalry phase." Uncle Naruto's smile in that statement could have been heard from a mile away.

"How about we go sign the discharging forms so she can come home after she wakes up." My dad suggests and gives me a kiss on my cheek before they all leave.

"Okay, you can stop pretending to be asleep now," Boruto chuckles as I jolt up in surprise. "How?!" I ask alarmed.

"I was awake the whole time." He gives me a smile that quickly melts into a fake 'ow' as I punch his arm playfully. After we're done laughing I give him a smile in which he returns.

A few silent moments pass before I say, "Thanks...for staying with me even though you could've gone with Sumire." I look down to my small fingers suddenly finding them very interesting.

"You're kidding me, right? You don't need to thank me I was planning onto sneaking to your room to make sure your okay anyways." He gives me a bright smile and kisses my forehead.

He lifts my chin up gently so we're looking deep to each other's eyes. His blue orbs take my breath away every time. He pulls away and clears his throat snapping me back to reality.

"I'll go tell your parents your awake." And with that he gets off the bed and walks out of the room leaving me a confused mess.

"Ughhh!" I mess up my bed hair even more as I seriously start to question whether I should jump out of the window or not.

Before I can actually go on to make a decision my parents walk in and engulf me in a tight hug. "Guys I can't breathe!" I manage to gasp out and they let go immediately.

"We thought we lost you." My mom says as she kisses my temple. "Never do that again young lady." My dad says strictly before he gives me another hug.

"I missed you guys too and I'm okay." I purposely dodging giving my dad an answer for his remark because deep down I know that if it means I'll save him then I'll take a bullet over and over again.

I'll always do...

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