The problem

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Ciel Pov

Just then, a girl with long, straight hair came in and said, " Oh good, you're finally awake. Mistress will be glad that her love is awake"," Where am I, who is your misstress and where is Sebastian?" I asked as calmly as I can and almost immediately, she responded," I can't tell you much, but you have already met my misstress and you are in her home. As for Sebatian, he is-well being taken care of"," Why are you involving Sebastian? He didn't do anything!"," It's because he likes you- maybe even loves you" she responded coldly.

'Wait, he loves me? It can't be. He is only after my soul. I mean ever since my parents died, no one has loved me. Althought, it could be the reason he has been more caring lately. I need to find him and see if this is all true' I thought.

Once the girl was done talking, she left. The room was pretty big and by then I was able to sit up. I took off my eyepatch to call Sebastian and I said," Sebatian, come get me! Don't let anyone get in your way! That's an order!".

Sebastian Pov

" Yes my lord."I say as my eyes turn a glowing crimsom red. All I had to do was escape from these chains. That was the easy part but the harder part was escaping without letting my master get hurt in the meanwhile. Once i got free from the chains, I used my demon speed to defeat the people who were hired to keep me locked up.' They are underestimating me if they think that mere humans can stop me' I thought, rather insulted. Just then, I hear my master shouting so I search every room but I couldn't find him. Just as quickly they started, the screams stoped.' No one better lay a hand on him,' I thought before thinking of the person who said they will take Ciel from me. I only had one last room to check, so I ran there as fast as I could with pestering humans attacking me. Since I was starting to get impatient with those humans, I decided to kill them and be on my way. By the time I got to the room, all there was was a note on the table with Ciel's eyepatch next to it. The note said:                                                                                                  Dear Sedastian,                                                                                                                                                                     I told you to stay away from Ciel so now I will make you pay by hurting the one you love. Now I will give you two options to either; surrener and let yourself be killed or you can try to save Ciel but risk him getting hurt. I must warn you though, if you try to save Ciel, you will surely die by his hands. Don't take too long to decide because if you don't decide quickly, you two will get hurt or in your case, die. ~ Hate Ciel's true lover

I wondered,' Do they actually think I would let him be hurt?'. When I finished reading the note, I picked up Ciel's eyepatch and noticed blood from him on it. 'Why is there blood on it? Is he okay? Who did this?'. These questions raced through my mind until a phone in the room rang.

Ciel Pov*meanwhile*

Eventhough I couldn't move my body, my tail was whipping in anger to think Elizabeth would do something like this. ' I am supposed to marry this lady?' I thought hesitantly. " Elizabeth, why are you doing this?" I asked to stall long enough for Sebastian to come and when she answered, she sounded excited," Well I can't have that mean Sebastian take you away from me. So since he didn't listen to my warning, he is going to die. Now that you're a neko, I want you even more!"," If I go with you, then will Sebastian be let free?"," That depends..." she said slightly amused so I snapped," Depends on what?"," Depends on if my little neko does everything he is told,"," Fine. What do you want me to do?" I gave in.' This is all going to plan so when she dropps her guard, then I will escape. Sebastian better not be messing with my feelings or else I will kill himself ' I thought quickly. I coundn't understand why, but  lately I would feel weird around him. My heart would tighten up and my breathing excellerated. " Well since you asked," she interupted my thoughts," I want you to call this number and tell Sebastian you are okay and to stop coming for you. While you do that, I will finish up our preperations for our little get away in France. Don't try anything because if you do, then Sebastian dies".

A/N: Please forgive me for how Elizabeth is. I promise she will get better. Thank you for reading this far.😅

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