Returned to betrayal

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A/N: Sorry but the gif kills me each time I look at it but this is what he will be like later in this chapter T~T plz forgive me but I have to...
Sebastian pov
*Time skip 5 months*
It's been 5 months since Ciel left. I kept the manor clean for when he comes back. One day, I was cleaning the young master's office, when I heard the front door open. I made my way down and saw a boy with a fancy coat on. " Hello? Is anyone here? " he asked.' Why does he sound familiar?' I wondered. I asked him, " May I help you with something? ". When he looked at me, he teared up and asked," Don't you recognize me? " then he took off his hat and tail coat. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw two cat ears and a tail. " Ciel? " I asked hopefully and he said, " The one and only". I ran up to him and hugged him tightly then he asked, " Did you miss me that much? "," Yes, I missed your cat ears" I joked as he playfully pushed me. " Where have you been all this time? I was so worried when I was not able to find you! " I said. He looked sad  when I said that but he answered, " Well after you argued with Grell, I was taken away to this place underground to be sold. I was able to escape but without my medication, I went into heat but I continued to run away. Eventually, I passed out and woke up in a stranger's bed. ". He paused so I asked," Did they hurt you? " , " No, no Sebastian. They took care of me and gave me the same medication that the Undertaker gave me for my heat. When I was better, I thanked them and left with enough medication to last a while. For the last 5 months, I was hopping from house to house to get back here from Japan. But I finally made it back to you. ". His smile soon faded." Crap, " he said, " Elizabeth is coming", " Well it's not so bad now. She moved on after 4 months" I said, still not liking her but I didn't despise her.
*Time skip to a few hours later*
"Sebastian!" I hear my lord yell so I walked to the young master's office and found it empty. ' I thought I heard Ciel's voice come from here's I thought to myself. Then the smell hit me,"Not this again," I said to myself, so I walk to his chair and found him asleep. 'Wait, if he is asleep, who yelled for me and who is in heat?'. I turn to walk away but then I heard it again. I look to Ciel and he is curled up in a ball, mumbling and making noises so I decide to carry him to bed. As soon as I go to pick him up, he wakes up so I said, " Sorry if I woke you, "," No you didn't wake me, it was the dream I had. " he responded.
Ciel pov
"Oh, what did you dream about?" he asked. ' The one question I wanted to avoid, ' I mentally complained,' I can't let him know it was about Alois' so I asked, "Nothing really, Why do you ask?" , " Well one, you yelled my name. Two, you smell like you are in heat and three, you normally don't talk or make noises in your sleep. " he said while counting on his fingers and smirking.' Damn you demon' I thought while glaring at him and then I said, " Well if you must know, it was about Alois and I playing chess and the noises were me complaining about losing since he was cheating, " which was only part of the dream, " And why did you yell my name? " he asked with a demonic smirk on his face. With my ears flat on my head and tail wrapped around my waist, I responded , "Because Alois spilled tea on the ground and I wanted you to clean it," , " Is that so? ", " Yes. Now shouldn't you be watching over the servants while they are preparing dinner? "," As cold as ever my lord, " , " But you still love me, "," And if I don't ? "," Then I will let Mey-rin pet me and you can't " , " Okay kidding my lord. I love you. ", " I love you too Sebastian. "." Master someone is here to see you, Yes they are, " Mey-rin said. I thanked her and went downstairs and was tackled by none other than Alois. "Alois," I started, " I though you died, " , " I could say the same about you Ciel, "," Two things. One, can you get off me? Two, Why are you here? "," One, I haven't seen you in 5 months so I can hug you as long as I please. Two, you're mine so I don't need a reason to be here, "," You are still calling me yours? " , " Yes because it's true, ", " What about Claud? Aren't you with him? "," Aww don't be like that Ciel ,let's have some fun, "," What kind of fun? " , "Hmm" he said while sitting up on me and then he said, " Ooh, let's bake something together! ", " Fine, but I need to tell Sebastian that you are here," , " No need. Claud? "," Yes? " , " Please tell Sebastian of our arrival then entertain him. "," As you wish, " Claud said before leaving to find Sebastian .' On no! Last time I checked, Sebastian and Claud hate each other and they can get carried away in fighting. Alois is planning something, I just know it,' I thought while being dragged into my kitchen. Alois turned around and put an apron on me and when he was tying it behind my back, he asked, " Ooh, what do we have here? ". He then grabbed my tail and I yelped then shouted," I'll have you know that is my tail and I would be grateful if you wouldn't touch it! "," So you're a neko now? " , " You just now noticed? "," No but I didn't care until I realized what I could do, " he said with a pervy smirk that sent chills down my back every time I saw it.
He then went to one of my cat ears and licked the top of it which made me shiver so I asked, " Could you please leave my cat ears and tail alone? "," Fine, but now I would like to play hide and seek, " , " What happened to baking? " , " You're it Ciel! Now turn around and count to 10. " he said while removing my apron and shoving me further into the kitchen. I started counting as I heard Alois running away laughing. When I got to ten, I followed the sound of Alois laughing. After a few mins it was quiet and the only sound I could hear was Sebastian speaking. He sounded worried about something so I follow it to the guest bedroom. " I don't think we should be doing this here, " I hear Sebastian say so I wonder, ' What is he talking about?' then I hear Claud ask, " What's wrong? I thought you said you liked me", " I ... but-", " But what? " Claud asked.' Is this real?' I started to panic. The door was open, so I stood in the doorway and I was shocked to see Claud kissing Sebastian.
That hurt a lot so I started to cry [A/N : insert top pic here T~T] and Sebastian heard me then said, " My lord, I didn't see you there, "," How long has this been going on? " , " Its not what it seems! "," Oh really? It looks like you two are in love! You know what? Just leave me alone! " I shouted and ran out crying. I could hear Sebastian shouting after me, but I kept running.

A/N: That was hard for me to write but it will make sense in future chapters. Bye Author Chan out ✌

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