Alois' neko?

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Ciel pov
After a few turns, I ran into Alois, who saw me crying, and asked, " Why are you crying? " and I told him all that had just happened and he hugged me then said, "Well then I guess I came at the right time because I am going to stay here until you feel better"," Really? " , " Of course Ciel, anything to help", " Thank you" I said as I can down and go down stairs. When we got to the kitchen, Alois said, " Now you wait here while I make you something sweet", " You can bake? "," I didn't spend the last 5 months doing nothing" , " Fair enough " I said while sitting in a chair near the door.

Sebastian pov( meanwhile)
"Oh really? Because it looks like you and Claud are in love! You know what? Just leave me alone!" my lord said while running away. I shouted after him, but he ignored me. " That solves that problem" I hear the other butler say so I turn to him and asked, " Wasn't that a bit harsh? "," A demon asking if they were too harsh? You have become soft Sebastian, but better for me since now I know you would be the submissive one between us. I know this will be hard for you, so I will give you time to think this all over" he said as he left me in the room alone.

Alois pov
When Ciel took a bite out of the cheesecake I made, I asked, " So how is it? "," It is amazing, but why does it smell like my medication that I take for my heat? "," It must be your imagination " , " I guess", " Now hurry and finish your dessert before it gets bad", " Okay Alois! " he said cheerfully.' That was too close for comfort. He almost found out I put his medication to it to make sure he was.going to be submissive and not ruin my plan' I thought as Claud entered the room. "Looks like you carried out your part of the plan, although some parts were unneeded" I said then he asked, " How is Ciel, is he ready? " , " Ready for what? " Ciel asked so I said, " Ready to walk in the forest to see all the flowers in bloom ". His ears perked up and he gave me a hug.

When I got him off, I dismissed Claud and took Ciel through the garden to reach the forest." Could we stay in the garden? " he asked so I asked, " Are you scared of the forest? " , " No", " Then what's wrong?" ," Well Sebastian told me not to go in the forest with out him so I don't want to get scolded" he said while twisting his tail in his hands.' Tch. Curse that demon. I guess we must have a slight change of plans' I thought as I followed Ciel farther into the garden. " So why did you want me out here? " Ciel asked while sitting near some roses so I say by him and said, " I wanted to hang out with you", " We could have just stayed inside and played chess while Sebastian made us tea", " I thought you were upset with him", " Well I can't stay mad at him forever. I mean no one could love me forever" he said with a sad smile.

That broke my heart.' That is so sad. I am killing Claud after this'll I thought while giving Ciel a hug then I said, " Don't ever think that way about yourself again! "," But its-" , " Don't you dare say it's true, because it's not! If they don't love you forever, then they didn't really love you and they aren't worth it! "," Alois-" I cut him off with a kiss. When I pulled away, he was red and his mouth was slightly open. " Ciel I will always love and be there for you even if I don't love you romantically. Don't ever forget that. Okay? "," Okay" he responded . We spent the rest of the evening in the garden laughing and talking.
Sebastian pov
'Looks like he is happy' I thought while watching Alois and Ciel in the garden,' I fear I must interfere with their fun since it is time for dinner'. I sighed.and made my way to where they were in the garden. When I got to the place they were at, I was pounced on by Ciel who said, " You found me! Now it's your turn to hide Sebastian "," I am afraid I cannot play my Lord " , " But why? "," It is time for dinner, so please come with me", " Fine" he said while pouting so I thought,' He is still childish even though he is the head of the Phantomhive company'. " Last one there gets no dessert Alois! " Ciel yelled to Alois who in return said, " No fair, wait for me! " then they raced and got to the table at the same time so Alois said, " I guess we both win", " Yay! " Ciel said so I said, " Sorry to interrupt, but please sit down and eat", " Okay Sebastian "," After dinner , it will be fine to finish the paperwork on your desk that you got today", " That seems boring", " Be that as it may, it must be done my lord "," Don't you listen? " , " What do you mean? "," I told you to call me Ciel" , " My apologies. Now please eat so you can finish your work early before bed" I said as he started eating. After the first bite he exclaimed, " I forgot how amazing your cooking is! " I chuckled and thanked him then said, " I am just doing my job", " Well you are amazing at it" he said while he kept eating so I said, " You are too kind. I am simply one hell of a butler". 'How is he able to make me feel like this? I am a demon and I shouldn't have human emotions. He is smiling and being kind to me even after I made him cry. I don't deserve his kindness' I thought as I started to clean up what they were done eating.

A/N: I can't believe I have over 100 reads. I want to thank someone who is one of the kindest people I met in wattpad for supporting me and my story. Pikachuthunder21 is the reason I am completing this book. Also don't be mad at me for what is happening with Ciel and Sebastian bc it will all make sense in the next chapter or the one after that. I am coming out with a new book and here's the cover

It is about Hange turning Eren into a Neko and pawns him off on Levi since he is in charge of him. They fight and along the way Eren faints and Wakes up with out his memory. Author Chan out ✌

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