Revealed true intentions

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Alois pov
Inside was Sebastian on the bed panting, rare for the demon, and Claud standing next to the bed with a wet rag. I had no idea what was going on but neither did Ciel so he asked, " What is going on? " so Claud responded, "Sebastian somehow got I'll and I cared for him until he got better, as ordered by Alois"," So why did he not want me to come in here then? "," It was unknown if the illness was harmful to humans so he kept you away for your safety "," Okay then what were the voices I was hearing? "," I was trying to get Sebastian to rest but he refused so I had to use a little force, but in the end, I got him to rest", "What about the smell?" , "That would be the flowers and herbs that are meant to help him, I hope you don't mind I got them from your garden" , "Well as long as Sebastian is getting better, I am fine with it. I best be off, Alois and I will be in the forest of you need us. Bye now"," Goodbye Earl Phantomhive " Claud said before we closed the door and left.

As we walked through the garden, Ciel looked happy. "Why didn't you tell me they needed time alone?" Ciel asked so I respond, "What do you mean?" , " Come on Alois. There is no way that Sebastian would fall ill and that smell was not coming from flowers and herbs", "Well I don't know what you're implying Ciel"," Sure", "I don't" ," Well put two and two together. One demon who likes another? Nevermind. By the way, where are we? "," Now that you mention it, I have no clue where we are", "Oh no! We are lost! What should we do? Should I call Sebastian? What-"," Calm down Ciel. It will be fine" I said to try to calm him down, then I thought, 'Finally it has kicked in. Now I just need to get him back before he starts to freak out'.

"You don't need to call Sebastian because I will get us back" I say calmly and he asked, " What if we are attacked? "," If I can't handle it, then you may call Sebastian " , "Okay, I will trust Alois" he said as we started walking back in the direction we came. Out of no where, Pluto chased a squirrel and he startled Ciel. Ciel somehow turned into a cat and jumped into my arms. "Are you okay Ciel?" I asked, but the only response I got was a meow. I carried back to the manor and thought,' I cannot believe I am going to do this'.

I then shouted, "Sebastian! Your little kitten changed and he needs you!" and soon after, Sebastian appeared next to me and asked, "Why is he a cat?" , "Pluto scared him and I figured since he has an attachment to you, I thought you should deal with him" I said while handing him Ciel. I then said, " All that running made me hungry. I am going to find Claud. Good day Sebastian " then, I found Claud in the dinning room with food at the table. I say down and started eating until I heard Claud ask, " How long do you plan on doing this? " so I set my utensil down and said, " Until Ciel makes his choice", "When this is over, you must be punished for making me wait"," It should be me punishing you for what you did to Sebastian", "I did what you ordered me to do"," I told you to deal with him, not what you did", "Actually, parson for me saying this, but you said, and I quote,' Go easy on him and don't break anything ' so I followed what you said. He can still walk, so I did my job"," Insolent butler " I mumbled so he wouldn't hear me.

Grell pov (next day)
"So you're the one who stole Bassy's master," I said quietly as I snuck up to a man in a gray suit. I then knocked him out with the back of my death scythe and tied him up. " Ugh, gray is not a flattering color, but I must let Sebastian deal with this one" I complained as I carried the man to Sebastian.
*time skip*
When I got to the manor, I found Sebastian and said, " Bassy! "," What do you want Grell? " he asked while holding a cat so I asked, " Is that any way to greet someone who traveled a long way to deliver something to you that will interest you? "," What do you mean and why did you bring a unconscious man in the manor? "," Well I found the little rat who was in charge of Ciel's kidnapping and selling him at the auction " I said while holding up the man who was starting to wake up. "Grell, take care of Ciel while I deal with our guest"  Sebastian said while handing me Ciel and taking the man.

When they were out of sight, Ciel suddenly changed back to normal and said, "You're back auntie Grell!" , "Glad to see your okay. So how is everything?" , "Well not long after I got back, Alois came over and is staying to cheer me up"," What happened? "," Oh not much. It's just that Sebastian loves Claud. I don't need cheering up, I knew he just wants my soul", "Ciel. That's not true. I can tell that he cares about you"," But Sebastian and Claud kissed "," Well that must have been a trick Claud is doing", "If only"," Well enough was things, let's walk through the garden to see who can find the prettiest flowers", "I will win"," Confident, are you? "," I am Ciel Phantomhive. I don't lose "," You are adorable! "I squealed as I hugged him.

I then put him down and walked with him towards the garden. 'I wonder what is going on through Sebastian's mom's I thought as we walked,' Well anyway, I must watch Ciel so Sebastian can work'.

A/N: I decided to update today because I almost have 150 reads on this story. I am happy that people are actually reading this since I didn't expect more than 10 people to even look at this. Please vote and comment. Author Chan out ✌.

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