The kidnapping

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Ciel pov
I thought,' Yay! Auntie Grell is going to stay for the week!'. " Grell you can stay in my room, " I offered and by then, Sebastian was all ready to leave. Before he walked out the door, I pounced on him and have him a hug. "Are you going to miss me that much?" he asked so I respond, " Yes I will miss your tail coat, " , " What about me? "," Nope, " I joked and he played along by saying, " Well then, I guess no dessert for you when I get back, "," No! I will miss you! I will miss you! "," That's better, Now I must go and you need to go to sleep. While I am gone, you won't have any meetings to attend. Good bye my lord. " he said before closing the door. Before we went to bed, we ate a snack since I didn't eat, in who knows how long. After we ate, I showed Grell to my room. " How do not get lost in this place? " I hear her ask, " Its so big! I can almost guarantee that while I am here, I will go the wrong way and get lost, "," To be honest ,I don't know how I don't get lost, but just remember where my room, office, library and kitchen are and you should be fine, " I say to reassure her.
When we got to my room, she ran and put a bag on my dresser.' Did she have that the whole time?' I wondered. I didn't think much of it since I was tired. I said good night to Grell and fell asleep.
Grell pov
'I am sorry Sebastian. I hope you will forgive me for what I must do,' I thought sadly.
Sebastian pov
Something is wrong with this town. Every single person here has a disgusting dog.( A/N: Sorry for all the dog lovers. Bassy really doesn't like dogs so I am trying to make it like him as much as possible😥feel free to skip until next paragraph ) They are vile, disgusting, stupid animals. Cat are much better, cleaner, and over all more sophisticated than dogs. I didn't understand why I had to come back since we already have the horrible creature back at the manor.'Ciel let Pluto, a dog, stay but I can't have a cat due to his allergy. Although now he is part cat so I guess it works out,' I debated with myself.
" Now where is the person who sent for me? " I asked no one in particular. I walked around to see if I could find them until someone said, " Excuse me! The butler looking one!" I then turned around and saw a little girl running up to me so I ask, " Do you need something miss? "," Are you Sebastian by any chance ? "," Yes why? " , " Well this may be hard to believe, but your Neko, Ciel, is in danger, "," Wait how do you know that and what danger? " . I was confused,but kept my voice calm and serious. She explained that Ciel was going to be kidnapped and sold on the black market at an auction in an unknown location if I didn't go now. I was going to thank the little girl for the information, but when I looked down to where the girl was, she was gone so started to run back as fast as I could." Hold on Ciel, I am coming! " I said quickly.
Ciel pov
I woke up to being carried by Grell. Half asleep, I asked, " Grell, what's going on? Where are we going? "," Its okay, just go back to sleep Ciel " she said calmly so I respond, " Okay Grell. By the way, Sebastian is on his way upstairs and he is not happy. Be careful not to annoy him, " I said before I went in and out of sleep.
Grell pov
I panicked,'Crap! Sebastian shouldn't be back for a couple of days... At least Ciel's cat ears heard Sebastian coming before I could.' I ran in the opposite direction.'Does Sebastian know what's going on?' I wondered as I tried to get away. I realized that Ciel's eye has the contract seal ,so if Sebastian wanted to, he could track him. " Why did William send me to retrieve Earl Phantomhive when he knows that the Undertaker is better at stealth than I am? " I complained to myself. Just then, I heard Sebastian yell down the hall, " Grell! What are you doing with Ciel?!?! ", ' I need to find a way out of here alive with Ciel...' I thought to myself while running with Ciel in my arms until he said," Grell, you should put me down so I can calm Sebastian down and you can live, " , " I'm sorry, but you have to come with me, "," Why? What's wrong? " , " No time to explain, but you are in danger and we must leave now. " I said , not giving him a chance to protest because I jumped out the window. I didn't have a chance to run since as soon as I got for the ground, Sebastian kicked me a cross the garden where I dropped Ciel. " Sebastian, what are you doing? " I tell at him in anger, "Are you crazy? You are putting Ciel in danger by keeping him here." , " I'm the crazy one? You are kidnapping Ciel! I trusted you and what do you do? "," I was protecting Ciel! I am sure you know what is going on right? "," What are you talking about? You are the one kidnapping him so you will pay! "Sebastian said right before he grabbed my neck and started to suffocate me, so I tried to tell him," *gasp* wait*gasp* Ciel's gone" and he immediately let go and searched for Ciel while shouting, " Ciel! Where are you Ciel?! "," He's gone, " I told him, " Its too late, they have him now, " , "Who has him?" , " The bandits, " I responded while getting to my feet and dusting myself off. "Where is he?" Sebastian asked filled with anger so I said, " I don't know and if I did, then I wouldn't be standing here bickering with you now would I? "," Tsk, "," Look, get some rest. The readers and I will continue to look for him and by the way, you're demoning. ". 'This must be mentally hard for Sebastian since I know how close they are,' I thought sadly. I left to tell the other about what happened.
Sebastian pov
I didn't rest that morning. I spent it looking for him, but I never found him.

A/N: btw the pic some what shows how mad Sebastian is in a funny way. I might put pics at the top just because. If any one can spot some thing Grell actually said in the anime will be amazing and if you have a story, I will gladly to read them and maybe give a shout out to the ones I enjoy or get to

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