Becoming a Neko

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Ciel pov
Everything was in flames as I stood petrified, too scared to move. I stood there crying as I watched my father burn to ashes, "My lord," someone said in barely a whisper so I ignored it. "My lord," I heard again but this time louder, the voice sounded familiar but when I turned around and I saw...
I woke up to my butler opening the curtains. I covered my head with my pillow due to the sudden exposure of bright light but my butler, Sebastian, grabbed the pillow and stood confused. "What are y-" I started to ask when he put his hand on my forehead and asked "Are you okay my lord? Your eyes are red and puffy, are you ill?" . I smacked his hand away and snapped "I'm fine!" then I thought 'Had I been crying in real life too? Never mind that.'. " What do I have planned today? " I asked while he dressed me.
Sebastian pov
"Well at 11 you have Lady Elizabeth coming over for chess, at 1 you have your violin lesson and at 1:45 you have your dance lesson." I answered while we went downstairs for breakfast. " Is that all? "I hear the young master ask as he looks down, not really eating his food." Indeed my lord, " I respond and picked up his head with my hand and asked if something was wrong because before I asked , he turned a crimson red.' Humans are interesting beings but not as much as cats.' I thought. It was almost 11 so I left to prepare for his after as I wondered why my master was acting strange.
Ciel pov.
As Sebastian started to prepare for the day, I went to my room because for some reason my face felt hot. It wasn't until I looked in the mirror that I realized it was red.' Maybe I am ill but I can't cancel or I won't be left alone.' I thought. Just then, I heard the door and looked at the clock so I wondered ' It is not time for Elizabeth to be here yet.' Since my face was back to normal, I went down stairs to see who it was and I was shocked to see the Undertaker giving Sebastian a bottle of orange liquid.
Sebastian pov
As I finished my preparations, I went to answer the door and it was the Undertaker. I asked him" Can I help you? "," Here. " he said giving me a bottle so I asked" What is this for? " , "Its for Earl Phantomhive's face"," How did you know? Actually nevermind. Thank you. " . I closed the door and turned to see my lord staring at me confused. " What did the Undertaker give you? " he asked. " Well it's something that should help keep your face from going red again, " I replied and went to go out the liquid in his tea for chess with Lady Elizabeth.
* Time skip because I don't want to describe what he did that afternoon😐*
After his dance lesson was over,he went up to his office to complete his paper work. When I went in to give him his food, I noticed he is different. I say,as calmly as I can as to not to sound excited, " My lord, please excuse me for saying so but seem to have cat ears and a cat tail. " At first he just glared at me and started to speak.
Ciel pov
'If this is some joke, I swear...' I thought in my head then I said"What do you mean-". Just then, I felt my head and I had cat eats so I looked to see if I had a tail. Sure enough I did. I ordered Sebastian to leave since he is a cat lover( though that would be an understatement) and I didn't want him to attack me because I looked like a cat. As soon as he left, I ran to my room to find a mirror. I started to pet my ears to see if they were real and sadly they were, along with my tail but they were really soft. I decided I should go to the Undertaker because it was most likely his fault with that weird liquid. After putting on a coat and hat that covered my ears and tail, I walked out of my room and told Sebastian to take me to the Undertaker. When we got there, I said " Stay out here and don't come in unless I say so. That's an order. ".
Sebastian pov

"Yes my lord," I said. After a while , I hear the Undertaker laughing like there's no tomorrow.' What could they be talking about that I have to stay out?' I pondered while waiting outside. He came out a little after with his coat and that off while having his head down. " Take me home now, " he said and listened. It took all my strength to not pet his cute ears because I simply adore them. I have had an attraction towards Ciel but have been able to not show it. "By the way this cat/neko thing is not going away," my lord said but it was muffled since he buried his face in my chest and clung to my shirt. It was even harder to not show any affection towards him now. He was just so cute when he acts like that so I placed a hand on his head and accidentally brushed his ears. After I did that I heard a small purr come from my young master so I smirked and came up with a plan.
Ciel pov
He accidentally touched my ears and I purred!' Why in the world did I do that?!?!' I wondered since all he did was touch then and when the Undertaker touched them nothing happened.
~Flashback ~
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" the Undertaker laughed. I was annoyed but calmly asked" So what's up with my ears and tail? "," Oh that is not going away so there is something you need to know about being a Neko. First-" , " Wait what's a neko and what do you mean ' not going away'? " I interrupted because I could not stay looking like a cat. When I asked that ,all he did was smile and said" Well a neko is someone who is half cat and half human. What I mean is that you will be stuck with cat ears and tail for the rest of eternity. Now first thing you need to know is that your ears are really sensitive to sound so be careful around loud things. Second, Now that you are part cat you will go into heat every now and then. In addition, one who can stop it is the guy who truly loved you. Ta Ta earl Phantomhive. " then he gave me a list- more like a book of things I need to know.

Author note ~
Sorry if the story sucks. It is my first Ciel x Sebastian so please bare with me. Action will happen later in the story. 😇Thanks for reading .

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