Alois' Neko? Part 2

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Sebastian pov
I told the servants to find a room for Alois and Claud, " Yes sir! " they all said before going to work so I made my way back to the dinning room and asked Lord Trancy, " I hope you don't mind me asking, but how long are you planning to stay here? "," Oh I don't mind at all Sebastian . I will stay as long as Ciel wants me to", " Very well. I will see to that you have a room to stay in along with Claud "," I assume you're sharing a room with Ciel? Then where would you like me to place Claud? " I ask but immediately regret it because Ciel said, " He can stay with you if you both agree to it, but if you are not comfortable with it, then you can stay with me. Alois and Claud can stay in a separate room. Is that okay with you Alois? "," Fine, but until it's time for bed, I am staying with you" Lord Trancy said.

I looked for the servants and told them to prepare the room so our guests can stay in for the time being. " Sebastian! " I heard Ciel about, so I headed towards Ciel's office and asked, " Do you need something? "," Yes. I would like you to teach Alois how to pet as good as you" , " I am not sure I understand "," Alois doesn't known how to pet me as well as you can, so I want you teach him", " How would you like me to teach him? "," I don't know. You can demonstrate " he said. There was something different about the way he said it. He was slowly swaying and cheeks were tinted pink. " Are you alright? " I asked, then he chuckled and said, " I am fine, just tired. Now I would like you to teach Alois each day that he is at the manor, but right now, I am going to sleep", " Come here please", " Why? "," Since you said to demonstrate so I shall use you" I say and place him in my lap. I then start to slowly pet Ciel's head. He started purring happily, starting out quietly and gradually got louder. I smiled a little when he  closed his eyes and continued to pur. "Now you try Lord Trancy" I say as I stop letting Ciel. He opened his eyes and made a pouty face then Alois asked" Like this? " while petting Ciel's head and cat ears.
Ciel pov
'Alois is not as good as Sebastian is at petting but still, this feels nice ' I thought while purring. " Oh wait! " I hear shout, so I exclaim, " One, please don't tell when you are so close to me! Two, why do I need to wait? "," I almost forgot to give you your gift" he said as he ran out the room to grab a blue box with a white ribbon. " What's in the box? " I ask but all he said was, " Open it and see". Inside was a bottle of blue liquid so I say, " I don't know if I should drink this. Sebastian, can you tell if this is safe to drink please? "," Of course " he said while tasting it. He told me it was fine so I drank it and soon fell asleep after a long day.' That liquid was sweet' I thought as Sebastian carried me to bed.
Alois pov * next day*
' I wonder if the liquid worked. I mean, Sebastian drank only the extra part so Ciel drank enough ' I thought as Claud got me ready for the day. I woke up before Ciel did so I could get things ready. I went to the garden to pick his favorite flower. I grabbed a few and brought them inside then put them down in Ciel's office. I then went to the kitchen to make Eggs Benedict for us to eat. By the time I finish, it was time for Ciel to wake up, so I made my was to his room. About half way, Claud walked passed me carrying Sebastian bridal style. Sebastian had his arms wrapped around Claud's neck, cheeks tainted pink, so I asked Claud, " What did you do to him? " and he answered, " What I had to do make him come with me", " Go easy on him and don't break anything. Understand? "," As you wish" he responded as he continued walking down the hall.

When I finally made it to to Ciel's room, I opened the door and Ciel was getting dressed so I said, " Come with me so so we can eat breakfast ". After he was done, I told him to walk a different way then he asked," Why are we going this way Alois? " so I respond, " I want to" , " But the other way is faster "," Please? " , " Fine but we should go- wait... "," What's wrong ? "," I can hear voices coming from your room" he said while stopping in his place. 'Oh no. He can't go over there, or else it will not end well' I worried, so I tried to convince Ciel not to go the normal way. "There is now two voices coming from your room and they seem to be getting louder each second" Ciel said while walking towards my room so I picked him up bridal style and said, " Don't worry about it. It is time to eat, so let's go downstairs before it gets cold. Also the voices could be the servants cleaning my room". I then carried him to the dinning room to eat.' I wonder when the effects will kick in' I thought as we both are silently. Ciel's ear kept twitching, indicating that he heard something.' Should I have I told him to keep it down?' I wondered as we finished eating. After the dishes were put into the kitchen to be cleaned, I said, " We have nothing to do today, so you can decide what we do", " Really? So anything I want to do? " he asked so I responded, " Yes anything" , " Then I want to see what's in your room", " Why would you want to go there? "," I want to because it smells differently than usual but strangely familiar "," Really? Over a smell? " , " Yes and once I find out why it smells like that, we can go on a walk through the forest like you wanted before", " What about getting in trouble with Sebastian? "," I asked him last night if I could go into the forest and he said I could as long as I call him immediately if there is trouble" , " Fine, let's go" I said reluctantly. We made our way to the room, with Ciel curious in what was in there. When we made it, I slowly open the door and was just as confused Ciel looked.

A/N: what is a story with out a cliff hanger? I am almost done with this story.  😮
😇 Once I finish this, I will update more on my other story. Author Chan out ✌

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