Final Chapter

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A/N: to celebrate 200 reads, I will update a chapter and most likely make this the last one since on real paper, the rest of the story is only 3 college rules papers long. I want to thank everyone who has read this story so far and making me not just give up on publishing this. Now enough of my blabbering, on with the story!!!!

Sebastian pov
"So you thought you could get away with taking my master?" I asked in anger and the pathetic tied up man said, " Look, I'm sorry! I didn't know he was your master! " , "But you knew that he was the earl and you had the audacity to come and take him from me. He has grown a bit from that experience and became more independent" , "See? You should let me go since I helped you!" , "I can't do that" , "Why not?" , "Well you see, you put my young master at the risk of being sold to someone who would treat him like their pet or toy, so I must kill you now" then, the man screamed so I said, "No one will hear you except my master, so keep it down".'How shall I deal with him that won't interfere with my schedule?' I wondered while checking the time in my watch,' I could cut off his head, but that would be too generous for a lowly scum like him'. After a few mins, I decided what to do and began to work.

*Time skip*
As I finished up the preparations for dinner, Ciel ran up to me with a handful of sterling silver roses, saying," Sebastian I won! " , "Won what?" I asked and Grell responded , "We had a contest over who could find the prettiest flowers" , "Well then, congratulations. Could you find a vase to put these so they don't wilt?" . Then Ciel ran off to one. Grell turned to me to me and asked, "How could you?!" , "What do you mean?" I asked and Grell responded, "You get the poor child's hopes up by saying you love him, then just go off and get with Claud! Do you have any idea what that did to him? How much that hurt? Are you that heartless?" , "I don't know anymore" , "Its unforgivable - wait what?" , "I don't deserve Ciel. I don't even know what I want. I am a demon, we shouldn't have feelings" , "Well who do you feel more connected to? Ciel or Claud?" , "Sebastian!" Ciel yelled while jumping into my arms.

Then he wrapped his tail around my arm and said, "Don't worry" , "About what?" I ask and he said, "You're confused about who you actually care about more" , "How do you know?" , "Many ways. Ever since I became a neko, I have been more aware about things. When you are confused about something, your heart rate changes pace, you seem out of it and you give off a sickly sweet smell" , "Oh, you know me well" , "So calm down and the answer will come to you. Whom ever you choose, I will still care about you Sebastian. Could I ask you a random question?" , "If course Ciel" , "I am allergic to cats, but I am part cat. Why am I not sneezing?" , "Nekos are not the exact same as cats so you are not allergic to nekos, just cats" , "Okay. Right now you need a break" , "But Ciel..." , "No buts. You are going to rest and that's final" he said crossing his arms . I sighed in defeat, let his cat ears and set him on the floor then said, "Grell was right, you are adorable" , "Naturally" Ciel said smugly , so I said, "Since you have became a neko, you are no longer a grumpy looking kid, but you are still as smug as ever" , "Fair enough. Now stop procrastinating and go rest" , "I guess I have no choice" , "Good now try and sleep. I know demons don't need it, but I should help" , "Thank you. I will try". After that, I walked to my room. I walked by Claud and Lord Trancy's room and I heard Lord Trancy ask," So how are you and Sebastian? " , "What do you mean?" Claud asked and Lord Trancy responded, " I mean what did you do to Sebastian yesterday? " , "I went easy on him and didn't break anything like you said. I did what I wanted and listened to you" , "Yeah but you made Ciel cry again!", 'He cried again?' I thought before Claud said," That's not my problem" , "Don't let it happen again" Lord Trancy growled and Claud responded, "As you wish, but I can't control his emotions, nor do I want to. He is Sebastian's brat and you are mine" , "Don't say things like that" , "Why not?" , "Well it's..." , "Embarrassing?" , "No. Just be quiet" .

The conversation ended there and I continued walking while thinking,'Something strange is happening since no can call Ciel a brat besides me and live, yet Ciel has not told me to deal with him. With his hearing, he should be able to hear what they said'. After that, I went to my room to rest.

Ciel pov*meanwhile*
Once Sebastian left, I went to go find something to eat because I didn't realize the time when I sent him to rest. "Ciel?" I hear Grell ask so I put my fork down and responded , "Yes?" , "Do you like Sebastian?" , "He's an amazing butler, but I know that's not what you mean. I thought I was over him, but I can't stop thinking about him" , "I thought so" , "What?" , "I know love when I see it" , "Like you and William?" , " What do you mean?!?! " , "When you tried to save me, you said William's name and your heart rate increased. Does that not indicate that you like him?" , " see... Not the point! My heart raced because of Bassy" , "Sure" , "Back to what I was saying, I know love when I see it. You love him and he loves you too" , "Please don't get my hopes up. Now if you don't mind, I would like to finish eating" , "Fine I will make sure you find out that it's true" she said before rushing out the room. 'I have no time to waste, there is too much work I need to complete ' I thought as I finished eating. After the dishes were put in the sink, I walked back to my office while thinking,'Sebastian did a great job at training the servants since they haven't broken anything and each time I see them, they are always cleaning'. On my way, I went by Sebastian's room and his door was halfway open so I peeked inside. I found  Sebastian asleep on his bed. 'He looks so peaceful,' I thought,' Must be hard doing his job. Well I better be off or else I will forget what I must do'. I slowly closed the door and continued to, walking to my office. flustered

When I got to my office, I went to my desk and started signing papers. I was just about done when Alois came in and asked, "How was your day?" , "Good and yours?" I asked, while turning my chair to look at him, and Alois said, " It was okay" , "Are you sure? Looks like you had a marvelous time", "What makes you think that?" I then pointed at his face while saying, "Your cheeks are red, indicating that you are flustered" , "I am not!" , "Then why did you come in here? I know it was not to have a casual chat" , "Its nothing" , "What did Claud do? " , "What?! What do you mean?!" , "See? There you go being flustered again. It's okay, I know you two are together. No need to pretend" , "How long did you know?" , "From the beginning, but I didn't want to tell Sebastian. He seemed happy, well happier than usual" , "I'm sorry Ciel. I didn't mean for it to happen like this" , "It's fine. Well it's also late and I should get to bed. Night Alois" , "Night Ciel" Alois said while giving me a hug then leaving. As I was leaving, I bumped into someone and fell backwards. Before I could hit the ground, someone caught me so I looked up and it was Sebastian. He smirked and and asked, "Are you all right?" , "Yes. Thank you" I said and he responded, "You must be tired. Time for bed" , "Okay. Sebastian?" I asked while he carried me to bed, and he answered , "Yes?" , "So you actually love me?" , "Demons don't usually love humans, but I am positive I do" , "Oh" , "Is something wrong?" he asked with a sad tone.

Sebastian pov
After I asked that question, he started crying and said, "No" , "Then why are you crying?" I asked and he said, " I'm just so happy! I love you Sebastian!" then he hugged me. "Don't ever leave me" he said before kissing my cheek so I said, "I won't, till death do us apart" , "Sound like a wedding vow", I chuckled and said," Our bond is much closer than marriage " , "You're not wrong" .

A/N: I am finally done with this story! It took me forever and school didn't help at all with giving me free time to actually do it. We have a lot of free time during school but I don't bring my tablet to school since everyone gets laptops but wattpad is restricted on school Wi-Fi sadly. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this and please vote and comment. Author Chan out ✌.

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