Auntie Grell

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Sebastian POV

"He he, nice to see you again Earl Phatomhive. What ever do you mean?" the undertaker asked and Ciel snapped," You know what I mean! I'm talking about this damn heat!". His ears were down and his tail swishing in anger. The undertaker just laughed and that made my young master even more annoyed. "My my. Haven't you read the list I gave you?" the undertaker asked. My lord answered quietly, still panting,"Yes *Pant* I did,","Then what is the matter?" the undertaker asked with a smirk,"You know what must be done right? Or do you need a reminder?","* Pant* No *Pant*" Ciel responded, turning red.'What were they talking about the is causing Ciel to be flustered? I believe I have a guess about what it is' I thought before deciding play along to see if we could solve the problem before Ciel got too bad so I asked," Obviously my young master is too young for that so isn't there another way to fix this?".

Ciel POV

'What? Does he know what I have to do?' I mentally panicked until the undertaker said," Of course there is another way, but I must warn you that you must take this once a day or it will come back worse,"," Thank you," Sebastian said as the undertaker gave him these pill looking things.' I don't fully trust this crazy old reaper but I won't do the other option so I have no choice,' I thought to myself. I grabbed one of the pills and swallowed it. I started to cool down and breathe normally so I said,"Much better, thank you,", ' Why did I thank him? He was reason I was in that mess in the first place! What is wrong with me?' I mentally argued with myself.

Sebastian POV

I was shocked that Ciel said," Thank you " to the undertaker since he does not use manners often, especially towards the undertaker. ' Maybe its the pill. One way to find out,' I thought to myself. " Well done my lord. You use your manners," I said with a smile. He beamed and said," Yay! I did something good!". I chuckled to myself since his ears were perked up, wide eyed, and tail swishing in excitement. It was so cute. A little while later, it was time we had to leave and Ciel jumped on my back. ' Being a neko must have improved his jumping because normally he could never fully jump on me,' I thought. I started roof hopping and soon after I started, Ciel asked," Sebastian, could you please be careful so I don't fall?",' Curse his cuteness,' I thought so I ask," Do you want me to carry you in front of me so I can make sure you don't fall?"," Yes please," he responded as he climb over my shoulder so I could carry him. As I continued, Ciel fell asleep so so I ran slower, as no to wake him since had a long day.

' I hope Lady Elizabeth is okay since I got rid of the demon,' I wondered. Just then I hear a loud red reaper that won't leave me alone shout," SEBAS-CHAN!", I stopped running and jumped out of the tree I was in, since I finally got out of the city, onto the ground and quietly asked," What do you want? Can't you see I am busy?"," Aww don't be like that... oh who is this cutie you are holding?"," If you must know, it's my master". By then he woke up and asked," Who are you miss? Sebastian's girlfriend?". He was almost in tears when I snapped,"No!" so Grell said," Bassy be nice, he is only a child! Come here Ciel," and Ciel jumped into her arms. That made me furious because she is touching Ciel but I stayed quiet so I wouldn't scare him even more.
What was even worse was that I had to go somewhere for a few days and I couldn't leave Ciel alone with the servants and I couldn't bring him so I had to find someone to watch him. " Sebby! Sebby!" Ciel said, getting me out of my trance.' Wait, did he call me Sebby? That will need getting used to.' I wondered so I just smiled and asked," Yes my Lord?"," I found someone to look after me while you are gone!"," Really? Who?"," I can watch him!" Grell answered. " Please Sebas-chan," she pleaded," I promise to take good care of Ciel for you,"," Fine, only because Ciel suggested it, but you must promise to protect Ciel while I am gone and stay out of trouble." I said sternly. " Okay I promise!" she said and they cheered. We walked the rest of the way back. When we got there, I told the other servants was going on.

A\N sorry if these chapters are too short. I write these at night which should be spent sleeping but oh well sleep can wait a few mins to an hour . If you see anything wrong grammatically please tell me. Thank you all for reading. Author-chan out

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